Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy and Healthy New Year To All!!

 As we approach 2014, I just wanted to thank my customers for their confidence, trust, integrity and loyalty!  You're a great bunch of attorneys... I   wish you health , happiness and of course big settlements, verdicts and  "plenty of coverage"!
  All the best. Thank you.


Monday, December 30, 2013

SAC Capital, Michael Steinberg's Conviction, There Goes Another Chink In The Armor !!

  Here's the latest  in the continuing SAC  Capital Partners'  saga.  Michael Steinberg faints in open Court and then is  convicted by the sitting jury. Faces some serious time. Wonder what wink , wink deal he has going? Anyway, Oz has  to be feeling a bit dismayed. Guilty pleas galore, all  outside clients' money gone, layoffs, Steinberg's conviction, legal bills up the wazoo, a $1.2 billion  fine  and  Matthew Martoma  is  still lurking out there. Mr.  Cohen  is not home free yet.....Hey, he still may even  have to sell some more fu___in  Monets, Manets and Picassos. 
    It's not over till it's  over...

  Happy New Year!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Peyton Breaks Brady's Record, Is He The Greatest Ever?

  Wow, Peyton  gets better, more efficent, crazier with age...51 TD's!  Say it..So I guess  he wasn't finished?  A situation that  worked out brilliantly for the  Colts and Broncos. So is he the best ? Starr, Unitas, Marino, Montana, Brady, Bradshaw, Elway, Favre ?  Did  I miss  anyone? I'm sure ...Aikman, 3 rings , Tarkenton...Y.A.  Tittle , Sid Luckman?
  So at the end of the day, where does he rank? My opinion. Right now , top 5! If he wins another ring, I would say the "greatest  ever"! Need multiple superbowl rings to qualify...
  Your thoughts?

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Happy Holidays to All!

 I wanted to take this opportunity to wish a  Happy Holiday to all my friends, customers and family!  Enjoy...

Monday, December 9, 2013

Yankees, Thank You For Spending Again...I Personally Appreciate It!

As a  Yankee  fan since before Reggie, I'd like to think I've seen a lot. Down years, then the  late 1970's through early 80's. The drought until 1996. And  then one of the greatest runs in baseball history  from 1996 through 2012.  Yankee fans  are simply put, spoiled!
  So last year with everyone hurt , and very little of anything  happening , they won 85 games and missed the playoffs. To their credit, with Soriano playing out of his mind they actually made  August and September interesting. Man, I hope they sign Soriano.
  So  during this offseason with the Knicks and Nets tanking so far, the Yanks  free agent signings of McCann, Ellsbury  and Beltran have already made things interesting. Yes,  a lot of question marks still. But these are guys you want  to watch every day. Personally, I didn't feel that Cano, an awesome hitter, but not a 40 homer 130 rbi  guy, was worth $200  million. I do wish him well and will root for him.
  As for the Yanks....Don't stop now!!!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Nelson Mandela Gave 27 Years of His Life to Destroy Apartheid...Nothing More to Say!

Everyone has and will have an opinion  of Mandela. Just look at the internet today. Mandela sacrificed  nearly  30 years of his life(family) to  fight a racist, brutal, inhumane system. In my opinion, he's Abe Lincoln, JFK  and Martin Luther King Jr. all rolled into one. Read his biography..You'll have nothing but admiration and respect for him. Awe is more like it.
  Nelson, I won't go on. The World is mourning  you and singing the highest  praise about you. To your  family, my condolences. To you, God Bless....You did it!
  Rest in Peace.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Knicks,Nets, How Long Will Owners Be Able To Stand It Before Sh_t Hits The Fan?

 It's bad. No it's really  bad. No, actually both teams are virtually unwatchable at this point.  Such high expectations. Such  high payroll !  Fun, encouraging seasons last year .. Nets  supposedly upgrade. Knicks  poised to win 50 again this year.
  But nothing has gone as planned. Yes, Tyson Chandler is injured. But even so, with him Knicks look like a .500 team at best. Woodson  has been woeful in  his rotations and his doling out of minutes.
  Nets. Williams hurt{He's always hurt} Lopez hurt, ok I get it.  Pierce looks old. KG, can no longer carry a team himself. Kidd looks " in over his head".{Soda-gate}. Even with everyone  back, I  just don't feel it. I do like  Plumlee.
 So with the Nets at 4-12, and the Knicks losers of  8 straight, how long will the meddling billionaire owners wait  to   put their " beloved coaches " on the the chopping block?
 My prediction. If the Knicks lose 10 straight, Woodson gone. The Nets.  If   they reach 15 losses before winning another game, Kidd could be unemployed. What is PJ doing these days?
  In the meantime, I'm lucky to have the NBA League pass. Can watch Houston, Golden State and the Lakers.
  Tough to even talk about!!!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Sunday, November 24, 2013

John Edwards, Back Doing What He Does Best, Trying Cases !

 Edwards was a sleazy Presidential candidate,  a  lousy husband and a   so-so Senator.  But  there  was  never a doubt, ever ,that he  was a savy,  polished and extremely effective  plaintiffs' personal injury trial attorney. In his home state of North Carolina, insurance companies, large corporations, municipalities, doctors and hospitals feared John Edwards. He made a  fortune  representing the " little man" and bringing back  numerous  multi-million dollar verdicts! He  was  the best in the state, and a  member  nationally of the  truly elite trial lawyers.
  Hey, Edwards is 60. As a trial lawyer he is  in his prime. He'll take a little time to get back in the swing...Then watch out!  I know  one group  who are not happy to see his comeback. Yes, you said it. The   Insurance companies of the great state of North Carolina.
 John, I wish you good luck and many  more  plaintiffs' verdicts!!!!1

Friday, November 22, 2013

Michael Skakel, Kennedy Relative Released on Bail, Granted New Trial After Serving 11 Years, Of 20 Years To Life Sentence!

We'll probably never know who really  is guilty, but  the Skakel family continues to fight.  Arguing  successfully that their original  attorney's representation was ineffective, the Trial Court granted a new trial and released Michael Skakel  on  bail.
  Another strange twist  in the continuing saga of the 1975 tragic murder case.
   Will the Prosecutor retry?

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Oscar Pistorius' Legal Troubles Get Worse!

  Oscar Pistorius, the world  famous ,"Blade  Runner " , will now face two new gun charges in addition to the two " murder-related charges"  he faces already. Wow, you talk about a fall from grace! Olympics one moment. The next being charged with a violent murder of his girlfriend. What went wrong..Obviously ,the prosecutors brought the second group of charges to  show his  reckless  propensities and gun use. 
  Probably will result in two separate trials. In the meantime Oscar, enjoy your freedom. May be your last.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Dow Hits 16,008 At 12:20 P.M. Today!

Another milestone  for the Dow....Yes, 16,000. Who could have ever imagined. While Wall Street continues to bitch about Obama, they should actually be kissing his butt!  Yes, there appears to be be a crackdown on the surface,....But hey,  the rich continue to  get richer!

S. Goldman the 4th reporting.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Everybody's Doing It: Dutch Bank Rabobank To Pay $1 Billion To Settle Case Over Libor Manipulation !!

 Join the crowd. The more the merrier. Pile on..Last Bank to pay a  billion is a "monkey's uncle". Rabobank  has joined the "billion dollar fine/penalty club". Yes, they've agreed to pay $1 billion as a penalty for their deception. After UBS's $1.5 billion donation, it's the largest payment to date.
   Hey, what's the difference? It's only monopoly money.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Jeremy Lin , 34 Points, 12 Assists and 9 3's...Raymond Felton What Have You Done For Us Lately?

 Did you have a chance to watch Lin and the Rockets last night?  Fun stuff!  Lin tying Robert Horry's  Rocket record for most 3's made in their overtime loss . So I   gather Lin will no  longer carry the tag  " can't  shoot"!
  Through hard work , discipline and strength conditioning Lin continues to improve his  game  and shooting range. Let's put it this way...You can no longer leave him open beyond the 3 point line.. Last two games, 31 points and 34 last night. He's here to stay.
   Lin vs. Felton...Advantage Lin!!!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Johnson & Johnson To Pay $4 Billion to Settle Hip Implant Cases !

Easy come, easy go....J&J  will pay approximately $350,000  per  "defective hip implant" in one of the biggest  settlements for defective medical devices ever. As usual, the defendants fought tooth and nail , but eventually caved in , claiming they made a business decision. Yes you did!  But don't ever feel sorry for big pharmaceutical  companies. They have money to burn.
  One last step for the plaintiffs..Get their settlement documents together and collect the dough!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Djokovic Dominates Nadal in Year End ATP Final!

Nadal was #1 this year, won his majors, beat the top ten players and not to mention won $11 million in prize money. But yesterday in London he ran into a buzzsaw  named Novak  Djokovic , who topped-off  his 22 match win streak with  a convincing straight set rout of Nadal .
  Djokovic who earned almost $2 million with the victory, will finish the year at number 2, but clearly sent a message to Nadal..."I'll be waiting for you  Down Under  in late January..."
By the way, no rest for Djokovic...Davis Cup Finals for him and Serbia later this week.
Steve "Bud Collins" Goldman reporting.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Dow Jones Nearing 15,800.....Woo Hoo !

 I find it amazing with everything that has gone on of late in the financial world. Yes, the Dow continues to surge....Now on the cusp of 15,800. Is this   a reflection  of the strength of the economy, investor relief or investor giddiness? Who knows...
  Let's see how long the rise continues... Gotta go. Want to see  how Twitter is doing today...

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Hip, Hip Hooray! MF Global Customers Getting All Their Money Back.....

Sometimes good things are worth waiting for . Finally, after a prolonged wait filled with doubt and uncertainty, MF  Global's  American customers will be made whole.
  Yesterday, a  Federal Bankruptcy Judge approved the " shortfall " to be made up from MF Global's General Estate.
  Chalk one up for America's small folk.  Meanwhile, Corzine is already starting up another company.  Only in America!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Obama Has It Right With ENDA!

The Employment Non-Discrimination Act , if passed, would provide workplace  protection to individuals from being fired based on sexual orientation  or gender identity. Believe it or not, in several states an individual can be fired for his or her orientation or gender identity. This is long overdue. Are we in a time warp in Russia, Siberia  or some  foreign planet? This, Congress , is a no-brainer!
   So Congressional  members,  when this comes up for a vote, there's only one way to respond. Of course with a resounding "yay"!
   The Constitution demands it!

Steve "Ben Franklin "Goldman reporting.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Can the Dow Go To Unchartered Territory ? 16,000.............

 Well, even through the Government shutdown, a near default, SAC  Partners' and JP  Morgan's  legal troubles, LIBOR  manipulation and more,  the DOW  has not tanked. Even, European  financial problems can't keep it down. Twitter going public..Hey life goes on.
  So having said all this, the DOW  is currently  hovering around 15,600. About 8500 points up since Obama took office.  So   I ask one big question...Will the Big Board hit 16,000? Prediction, yes! On Christmas Eve.

 Steve "Adam Smith" Goldman reporting.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Big Papi's Performance, One of Greatest in World Series History !!

 Big Papi is 11 for 15 in 5 games. Batting almost .800!  What else can you say?  I guess you can  compare it to  Lou Brock and Booby Richardson's  13 hits and  maybe Reggie's 5 homers in 1977.  But again, it's only 5 games so far.....
  Game 6 at Fenway , and possibly game 7 will  have all the drama  of a tightly contested Fall Classic. Somehow, I don't think we've seen the end of Ortiz.

  Stay tuned.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Bill Mazer Dies at Age of 92...He Was Sports Center Before ESPN!

 Bill  "The Amazing " Mazer sadly just passed at age 92. He was a sportscasting legend in New York circles. His Sunday night Sports Wrap-up show at 10:30  , "Sports Extra ",  I watched religiously. He accomplished so much, and was  a major pioneer of sports radio call-in shows. He did it all!

God Bless.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Even The Great OZ (I mean Steven A. Cohen) Feeling The Effects of The Government's Full Court Press!

 Criminal prosecutions of high level employees , a  huge civil investigation , astronomical legal bills  and the uncertainty of " what's next " , have all  had a   significant impact on SAC Partners ! I'm a firm believer, that if the Government  wants you bad enough, they'll somehow destroy you. (see John Gotti, et al).
   I think you're seeing the end of SAC  Partners as you previously knew them . Already, most or all of the outside $ is gone. The London office is closing. Defections I assume are   numerous. Layoffs are happening, units/divisions are closing. Shrinkage is inevitable.
   What will SAC  look  like in say 2 years? Stamford office only. 400-500  employees. Managing only about $5 billion ...All Steven Cohen's . Profits and management fees way down.  But somehow, they'll survive.
  Hey, Cohen may even have to sell a few more Monets. Life sucks, I guess.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

JP Morgan, Another Drop in The Bucket...This Time $13 Billion!

 The regulators and  JP Morgan are at it again .  In a never-ending saga, Morgan is being investigated again, putting up a tough facade, and then  lo and  behold  reaching back into  their endless well of cash. This time $13 billion  will be paid to resolve civil charges  relating  to the sale of "toxic mortgage-backed securities".
   The payments  seem so   run of the mill to Morgan , almost like they're using monopoly money.  Where does the $  keep on coming from? Mind boggling.
  Anyway, on the one hand they're putting the civil charges to bed.  On the flip side, possible California criminal charges are still lingering.....
  Oh well, no time to waste. Monthly  charges for checking accounts just went up $2 per customer...And the rich get richer!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Republicans Should Be Suspended for One Year For Being Such A__holes!

 What a  "cluster-f__k!!  Our beloved "right wingers"  put our great country on the brink of default, caused a Government  Shutdown  and may have caused  irreparable damage to their party. May, I mean definitely did  cause long-lasting damage to the  GOP.  And for what?
   The debt ceiling   crisis was resolved  finally. We all knew it would be. Not if, but when. A huge game of chicken...That's all it was .  A  plan with   zero chance  of success. 
  Hey, maybe some good  will come out of all this.  Republican political suicide and the Dems retaking the  House.  Let's see. 
  Thank God, the Statue of Liberty is back open.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Steven Cohen of SAC Capital Selling Artwork to Pay For Legal Bills...But Please Don't Feel Sorry For Him!!!

   As reported in the NY Times  today, Hedge Fund  Mogul, Steven  A. Cohen, embroiled in SAC's  indictment and  mounting regulatory  headaches was selling some high-end artwork to pay  for  the  multi-million  dollar legal bills that SAC   has incurred  and is still  incurring. The legal bills will continue to accrue , as  I'm sure Cohen understands  his team  has to outwork the SEC  and Justice Dep't  to survive.
   But hey, please  don't feel sorry  for Cohen. He's reported to be worth in excess of $7 billion. Yes, billion!  It's  his decision to fight, somehow to preserve his legacy.
   The lawyers are getting richer, but they too have one big problem...Not enough  time to even fill out their "time sheets"!
    Good luck selling your Andy Warhols.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Dow Shoots Up 323 On Probability a Debt Ceiling Deal May Be Reached !!!

 You don't have to be  a Harvard Economics Profesor  to know  that  even  the "great Republican Party" would never let our Country go into default . The House would huff and huff but would  never destroy America's AAA  rating. So with time growing short(and disapproval ratings  in a free fall),some meaningful discussions took place at the White House.
  Of course investors worldwide desperate for some encouraging news, acted on it, sending the Dow skyrocketing back over the 15,000 mark.  The next few days should be more fun than a barrel of monkeys!!

Steve "Adam Smith " Goldman reporting.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

A-Rod's Legal "Dream Team" Giving Him His Money's Worth!

Hey, everyone is entitled to the best legal defense(or offense) available. Of course , the wealthy can afford "slightly better " counsel. Look what  OJ's and John Gotti's  superstar attorneys did for them. Need  I  say more ?
  So A-Rod who has  dug his heels in and  vowed to fight MLB's  suspension to  the end, has himself compiled a pretty impressive  team of attorneys.  They're counseling him,  representing  him at the arbitration, conducting  a "leave no-stone unturned  " investigation, and just last week  filed 2 new lawsuits on A-Rod's behalf.  I  like their latest strategy. Take the offensive. Let  your adversary  know you have unlimited resources and staying power. No downside at all.
  So  as the post-season continues, A-Rod's " legal eagles " gear up for more battle.

  Who will blink first?  Stay tuned!!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Jerry Sandusky's Appellate Bid For a New Trial Is Denied!

Convicted child molester, Jerry  Sandusky's bid to the Appellate Court for a new trial has been denied. Effectively , Sandusky will now  rot and die in jail!  Where he belongs!
   Sandusky, will probably petition the Pennsylvania Supreme Court for review,  in a last ditch Appellate "Hail  Mary ", before his  options are officially exhausted.
  With the lives he destroyed, there is simply no adequate punishment for him.
 Again, shame on you Penn State!  You aided and abetted  Jerry  Sandusky...Like a kid in candy shop.

Let's move on.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Mark Cuban's Insider Trading Trial Begins!

  Dallas Mavs  owner,   Mark Cuban is being   accused of dumping shares of MAMMA.com   based on his receipt of  "confidential, inside information ". The SEC  asserts that Cuban, a regular on Shark Tank, sold off his shares avoiding a $750,000  loss. Cuban, the outspoken entrepreneur  denies this, and has vigorously defended the suit.
  At the end of the day, Cuban probably faces a max $2 million penalty  ....Chump change to him. He claims to be doing this to clear his name. Hey, makes good reading!
   His real problem as I see it,   is how can the Mavs possibly  complete in the West?

   Good luck Mark.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Yanks Are Out! Now The Focus Shifts to A-Rods Arbitration.....

So the Yanks are going home after Houston. But A-Rods fight is just starting...Should be interesting..

Stay tuned!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Mariano's Farewell, Bittersweet in Painful Yankee Loss!

Awesome ceremony  for the Sandman. Metallica playing live at the Stadium.  Andy pitching his last home game! Packed, full house. And yes, a big  game against the Giants.
   Pitcher's duel all the way. Andy perfect for the first 14 batters. All comes down to the bottom of the ninth. A-Rod singles. Since he can't run , he's replaced by Almonte, a call up. Who woulda thought that his  horrible decision to try to score from third on a hot smash to the third  baseman  would cripple the Yankee rally and a chance for " extras"?  Heartbreaker!
 Well, they're mathematically alive and still a reason to watch the Rays' series.
 Mariano, Andy...Thank you!!!

Friday, September 20, 2013

JP Morgan Losses Now Total $6.9 Billion From London Whale Debacle!

 Hey, easy come, easy go.  Just when the "House of Morgan "  thought it's  $6 billion trading loss was behind them, they just got socked  with a $900 million fine/penalty from regulatory authorities. Ouch!  Need a lot of ATM and overdraft   fees to make up for that. But some how they  will  persevere and continue to " print  money", despite being  in almost every regulators'  dog house.
  Here we go   round the Mulberry bush, the Mulberry bush...

  Steve Goldman reporting.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Ken Norton, One of Boxing's All-Time Warriors, Sadly Dies at Age 70.....

  Ken Norton, the chiseled, former  Heavyweight  Champion is dead. Former Marine, fought Ali 3 times, Holmes, Foreman,  Cooney, Quarry,  Tex Cobb and   more. Didn't duck anyone. Took a ton of punishment! Dished out even more!!. Classic fights with Ali and Larry Holmes. Watched most of his fights on ABC's Wide World of Sports. Classics!  Sad to see him pass so young.  True Champion in every sense of the word.
   God Bless!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Condolences and Expressions of Sympathy Go Out to D.C. Shooting Victims' Families .

 Crazy, crazy world we live in. It never stops.  A horrible, cowardly , disgusting act, by a sick, sick person!
   My  condolences  go out  to  all the families  .....
        God  Bless.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Steve Young Should Be Cheered For His Speech Which Advocated "Building a Bridge To The Gay Community"!

 Steve Young an  NFL  Hall of Fame  quarterback  should be applauded for his recent speech  where  he supported "building a bridge to the gay community " . Young is a Mormon  and gave the speech to  a  Utah Mormon group. He and his wife have outspokenly opposed  Proposition 8 in California. Young, also an attorney,  has hit the issue "spot on"!  Tolerance, tolerance , tolerance!!
     Steve, you got it right here.  Good job.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

To My Jewish Friends and Family, Happy ,Healthy and Sweet New Year!

I   just wanted  to take this opportunity to wish my Jewish friends and family a Happy New Year!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

" 9-11 " Should Never Be Forgotten!

To the victims, families and friends on this anniversary of "9-11", our thoughts and prayers go out to you.

  God Bless.

Friday, September 6, 2013

I Guess Peyton's Neck Is Feeling Better!

NFL  opener . All eyes on  Peyton and the Broncos  playing at home against the defending  Super Bowl  champs. No more Ray Lewis. No more Ed Reid.  Many others  are gone too. The night was all about  Manning, Welker and Company , and their demolition of the Ravens. Seven TD's for  Peyton. Everyone got into the action. He has never looked better! Threw for 462 yards. What  more can you  say?
  Oh yeah. Watch out NFL  defenses.....

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Diana Nyad, Finally Conquers Florida Straits!!!!

Every year I'm rooting for Diana Nyad. Each year,  I'm proud she's just attempting  the swim again. So when I learned this morning that Diana had completed the swim from Havana  to Key West, becoming the first  to  complete the epic journey without a shark cage, I   felt overjoyed and relieved for her. Fifty three hours of hell!  Don't know what drove her....But she now stands alone for this unbelievable accomplishment.  Diana , you rock!

Steve "Spitz" Goldman reporting.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Martin Luther King Jr; I Have a Dream, Perhaps One of The Greatest American Speeches of All-Time!

August 28th 1963, in Washington D.C., MLK Jr. delivered one of the  most important speeches ever in front of a million people . It was not just what he said, but how he delivered the words , on the biggest day of his life.
  Today, marks the 50th anniversary of that speech. A day and era we will never forget!

  God bless Dr. King!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

End of August; No Shortage of Sports Action!

Hey, do you love watching , following sports ? Well, then you're in luck!  College football starting, NFL  and the continuing Jets  saga. Jeter is back. A-Rod hit his 650th homer. The US Open started yesterday...Venus had an impressive win. Baseball , tennis and football, every day...every night! I love it!
   Remember, don't  forget  to lace up your own sneaks! 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Don't Look Now; Yanks Only 5 Back in Loss Column !

 The rejuvinated Yankees. Winnners of 4 straight...10 out of their last 13. Everyone contributing. Last night with things looking bleak against R.A. Dickey and his dancing knuckleball, Soriano does it again. Mo gets the save.  With 36 to play...We're in it!
  Complete change in the feeling around the team too. You get the vibes that they  believe now that they can mount comebacks and  win close games! I'm actually looking forward to games again.

Stay tuned 1:05 today...Weather permitting.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Yanks-Sox: Felt Like Old Times !

First of all , I'm thrilled  that  the Yanks  are playing  meaningful, playoff  type games in August. Great stuff! Secondly, Cano, Soriano and ARod....The new  "big 3"!  And then last night, high drama at  Fenway in the nationally televised " rubber match", that lasted for 4 hours in typical Yankee-Boston lore.
   A-Rod gets plunked. Girardi goes ballistic and is tossed ! A-Rod  retaliates with a mammoth  shot  to the center field bleachers. Yanks erase a 6-3 deficit and hold on in the ninth with Mariano.  8 million New Yorkers collectively holding their breath. Woo hoo!
   Oh, and I almost forgot.. They also picked up a game....Jeter, where are you?

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Judge Scheindlin to NYC; Current Stop and Frisk Policy Is Unconstitutional!

  Federal Court Judge Shira   Scheindlin  just sent  a strong message to Mayor Bloomberg and NYC....Your  current policy is  racially motivated  and thus unconstitutional!  In  her decision, the Presiding Judge  did not go  as far as scrapping the entire policy,  but did appoint a  monitor to analyze, oversee and  revamp the City's  policy. The Court found overwhelming evidence that a disproportionate number of those stopped and frisked were  male, African-Americans and Latinos. Mayor Bloomberg has vowed to continue an appellate fight...Which most certainly will be  a "losing battle".
   For now, all I can say is Judge Scheindlin, you rock!

  Steve "Clarence Darrow " Goldman reporting.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

How Many Years Do You Have To Go Back to See Yanks at 57-56 After 113 Games?

Age, injuries, no power, no-names  and  more injuries...That about sums up the Yankees 2013 year to date. A-Rod  distractions, Sabathia and Hughes having terrible years. The Captain on the DL again. Tough to watch..Even Cano is in the .280's. You would probably have to go back 19 or 20 years to see the Yanks with a worse record after 113 games. Can't get worse!  Amazingly they're only 7 back in the Wild Card race.
 Well, A-Rod is back, Granderson is back.  Jeter will be back in 2 weeks and maybe they'll  make a push.
   Hey, 49 games is  still one-third of the year. At least the NFL is around the corner.

  Steve "Casey" Goldman reporting.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Tiger Shoots a 61 at Bridgestone.....What Can You Compare That To?

Yesterday Tiger shot a 61 in the  2nd round of the Bridgestone  to pull away from the field with a 7 shot lead. As he  reached the tee on the 15th hole he was flirting with the lowest score(59) ever recorded In a PGA  Event. It is noteworthy that  his  score  tied his lowest PGA  score ever.
   So to to put things in perspective, what can we  equate shooting a 61 in golf  in a PGA Event  to  accomplishments  in other major  sports? For  instance is it comparable  to scoring 60 points in an NBA game?  Or a quarterback  passing for 500 yards in an NFL game?  A  baseball player  hitting 4 home runs in a game A hockey  player scoring   5 goals in a game ? The comparisons can go on and on.
   All I  can tell you is for one day , Tiger was Tiger! Let's see if  he can keep the momentum rolling.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Terrence Jones, What the Fu_k Were You Thinking..............?

Every day you can scratch your head a million times  trying to  reconcile in your mind why people do  the things they do.  Yesterday, Terrence Jones , a 21 year old forward with the Houston Rockets (NBA) was arrested for stomping on the body of a  homeless man in Portland, Oregon. Why? Was he having a bad day?  Did he feel threatened or harassed?  Is he angry? Did he think no one would notice?
   I don't know the answer ...Only Jones does. Not right!  Not good.   Look ,the Rockets are a class organization and I'm sure they will tackle this issue head on. Thank God there were no reported "serious injuries" .
   The way I see it, is that Jones is still an immature kid with some anger issues. Let him get help now!  He'll have plenty of time to right the ship.
   In the meantime...A charitable contribution and community service with Portland's homeless population would be a great start.   Oh, and of course a great big, "I'm sorry"! 

P.S. Unfortunately, for Jones, a lawsuit to follow is inevitable. This is, afterall  America.....

Friday, July 26, 2013

Anthony Weiner(Wiener), You're a Sextaholic,More "Fit" To Be Mayor of Bang-Kok, Than New York!

 Dear  Mr.  Weiner;
    I   must  regrettably  inform  you   that Michael Jordan has turned  down your  generous   offer to do a Hanes Underwear commercial with him. Michael's spokesperson  hinted that  Jordan  felt  that you (being, Jewish,white and middleaged)  were  wearing a "completely different size" than MJ.  Oh well. Remember Anthony, as a famous violinist once told me "  it's not the size of the bow, it's how you fiddle"!
   Mr. Weiner( I mean " Carlos Danger ") , you got a real  problem here. Perhaps you should check into Dr. Ruth's  sex clinic,  "The 4 Inch Program", to deal with this  lightening " rod" issue. You could let your hair down and really let  things hang out. The program requires being "sext-free" for  30 days in order  to  receive your  certification . There is also a Masters(Not Master____e,you nitwit) program .
  Anthony, get "ahold of yourself". You can't continue at your stage in life  showing  your genitals off on the internet.You're a married man,and a  public(not pubic)figure.Moreover,  rumors  are swirling that  you used Arnold Schwarzenegger's  underwear photos as your own. Is  there not any depth you won't sink to? At least use somebody's  underwear shots which would be considered believable..Elliot Spitzer, John Edwards...or maybe Charlie Sheen?
  Look , you gave this  "come"-back  your best  shot. At this point,  I   beg you to throw in the towel(and underwear) . Carlos, I   mean  Anthony.  Enough, is "enough" .  The  reality show we discussed  , "Congressman   in the Buff ", might  be something. Or a possible  career as a "stand-up" comic looks promising. Whatever you decide, please stop "dicking  around", and drop out of the Mayor's race.

    Very truly yours,  "John Q  Jockstrap".

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Emile Griffith Passes Away; One of Greatest Champions, But Still Remembered For That Tragic Fight in March 1962!

 Emile Griffith a 6-time World  Champion  in 3 different weight divisions died yesterday at age  75.  He  won the Welterweight, Junior Middleweight and Middleweight titles during  his  20 year professional boxing career. He was initially trained by Gil Clancy, one of the greats. Griffith  fought more than 110 professional  fights.
   Despite, his internationally  recognized-greatness as   a boxer,  he is best remembered  for  the March  1962  fight against "Kid " Paret in New York  . This fight , a grudge match of sorts between the two, was  hyped by Paret taunting Griffith  as  being "gay"(Maricon ) during  the   pre-fight   weighin. In the 12th and final round Griffith,  in  display of fury, by most accounts landed 24 straight shots to Paret's head. He was knocked unconscious and later died .
  It  was devastating to the  Paret  family and Griffith  as well. He would never be the same in the ring. He admitted to " holding back". It was not Griffith's fault though .  A confluence of factors  contributed to Paret's demise.
   Emile , you were great! You'll  always be remembered for your greatness.  Rest in  peace!!

Steve  "Dundee " Goldman reporting.

Monday, July 22, 2013

In Case You Were Wondering about Manny........

 I  , for one, thought that Manny Ramirez  had dropped off  the face of the earth. The last  I had heard, he was owed $20 million from the Dodgers  and was suspended for like a 100 games  for  using a banned substance.
  Well for those of  you who are still intrigued by the 41 year old,  the New York Times  reported  today that he  is now playing for the  Texas Rangers' Triple  A  affiliate after a brief stint in Taiwan. Shaved his hair off to please owner, Nolan Ryan, and apparently is a new, grounded man. Has 3 homers I believe in 12 games.  Trying to  live a simple, clean life.
    Hey, America is the land of second and third chances....So why not  Manny?  Spitzer and Weiner are trying it..555  homers and counting!  Manny being Manny.

Steve Goldman  reporting.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Blythe Masters And Goldman, Sachs...It's Only Another $500 Million...No Biggie!

I   got an idea. Going forward, every MBA  program and every Investment Bank orientation for new hires   should  have a mandatory course called  " money-making schemes without a conscience". In reality , that's what a  large part of the the Wall Street " monopoly  money"  culture has become . It  all started with 3 key ingredients; Greed(greed, and greed) , legal loopholes and  the  lack of any conscience on Wall Street.
  The fine arts of  betting against your client's position, selling toxic, mortgaged-back securities, buying and dismantling companies, going public or private and overleveraging the  new entity to pay for upper managements' sale of stock, taking multi-billion  dollar  risks in the derivative  markets  and of  course  turning money losing businesses into  profit centers  would  be the   subjects  taught at the masters level. Grasping these concepts would  guarantee to put you on the fast-track in today's Wall Street.
  Yes, turning money losing electric companies into profit centers is  exactly what Masters and  Goldman Sachs did. It will cost them a cool  $ 500 million in fines and/or penalties.Wowee.
   A deterrent to Wall Street?  Of course not. More like an  incentive...Yes, an incentive  to dream up another scheme to earn back that $500   million as soon as possible.  And the beat goes on.....

Steve   "Getko " Goldman reporting.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Mehta World Peace a Knick....I Like It!

I'm happy, curious how he'll perform  and  I  can tell you one thing.  He's a huge improvement over the 120  year old trio of Kurt Thomas, Marcus  Camby  and  Rasheed Wallace from last year. Peace is in great shape, is still an excellent defender,(can guard all 5 positions) shoots the 3 and rebounds. If he can come to camp in shape, with his head in the game...he'll be a great addition.
  Of course , if  Mike Woodson had hair, there is no doubt  Peace would cause it to go gray very quickly. He's a perfect fit in Woodson's defensive schemes. New York will love him.
   I  can tell you one thing. It will be interesting!  Can't wait.

Steve Red Goldman reporting.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Penn State Revisited; Reports that Settlement is Brewing for Sandusky Victims!

The New York Times reported  this weekend  that   settlement discussions were taking place between the attorneys for the plaintiffs and Penn State . While there are statute of limitations and immunity issues lurking out there, a  " fair settlement" will be the only  appropriate closure of the worst chapter  in Penn State history. My gut tells me that these  cases will settle individually in the $750,000 to $ 5 million range, and will be paid  by Penn State with contributions from their insurers.
  Of course we'll  never know, as an ironclad confidentiality agreement will attach to the settlements. We can only  hope that  this  settlement  money  will provide some security and comfort  in life, that these young men might never of had.  It certainly won't erase  the memories!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Don't Look Now; Dow Jones Has Crept Back to 15,460?

So what does it all really mean? Dow cracks the 15,000 mark,  then gets pounded a bit and sinks into the 14,000's. Then  lo and behold, it creeps back to the  mid  15,000 range. These fluctuations  are the daily results of the market responding to any bit  of national or global  news that would affect investor confidence.
   In my opinion , the swings are  fun to watch....but what do they really mean in the long run?

16,000, here we come!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Andy Murray, You Are The Champion of Wimbledon!

Congrats to Andy Murray  and  his  passionate British fans. You did it!  Next, number 1?

Steve  "Henman "  Goldman reporting.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Wimbledon; Roger, Rafa, Serena and Maria out...Still a Tremendous Tourney!

Who woulda believed that these 4 players would be out by the 3rd round? Nobody, that's who! Despite upsets and injuries, this has been a great, exciting event. Yesterday's  Djokovic-Del  Potro semi was one for the ages.
  And what a culmination of the 2 weeks....Andy playing Novak in the final. Shootout at the OK Corral!
  Breakfast at Wimbledon tomorrow. And don't make   lunch plans.

Steve  " Bud " Goldman reporting.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy and Safe "Independence Day" to All!!!

Just wanted to  take a moment to wish friends, family and my customers a safe and enjoyable 4th of July!
  Have one on me!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Guess Who's Coming To Dinner? Paula Deen Is Having Sergio Garcia Over for Fried Chicken!

  Let's look at this objectively . It is 2013 and Paula Deen is  is still using the "N  Word".  She's a racist, plain and  simple . Sergio Garcia is also a racist. So in light of their  mutual ignorance, there is only one thing to do.  Yes, Paula's going to cook fried  chicken for Sergio and  her 3  remaining  sponsors  at her place. Retired members of the KKK  will  serve as waiters and bus "boys".  Motown music will be piped in through the sound system  and  JayZ  will perform live. All to be followed by an NBA live dunk contest in her living room.
    After dinner ,  meditation  and sensitivity training. Then Paula will attempt not to use the N Word for 15 straight minutes. If  successful,  Paula and Sergio will be driven to  Harlem....Yes, to actually be exposed to black people. Can you believe it?  A cooking apprenticeship  will  be arranged for her at Sylvias, so she can taste real soul food. And Sergio, bad news . You've been kicked off  the PGA Tour. But the good news is that you'll be Tiger Woods' caddy for the next 12 months while you learn tolerance.
  Paula and Sergio...Are you getting the point?  Your minds are warped and you're out of touch! But hey, it's not too late to  change . It's sadly, no way to go through life.....And most importantly, maybe you won't  expose another generation to your hatred.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

US Supreme Court in 5-4 Decision ,Declares DOMA Unconstitutional! Go SCOTUS....

 Wow , a 5-4 squeaker in one of the  most important decisions in the last 25 years, has shocked conservative America. You know what, somehow, some way they got it right! Who woulda thunk.
   One vote the other way would have set back "Gay Equality"  50 years.
    So , while the struggle will continue, on this day I'm proud of the United States Supreme Court.

  Sorry, Justice Thomas.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Wimbledon Under Way, Two Weeks of Awesome Tennis to Come!

  Something about this tourney I   have always loved. London,  the history, the grass, NBA season is over,  it comes around  July 4th.  All of the above.  The coverage is amazing...10-12 hours a day !
   Already, Federer and Sharapova  have won in straight sets . Nadal lost the  first set and is struggling. Great action, every day.
   Hey, there are  two things we're guaranteed at Wimbledon. Rain and   the best tennis action of the year.

  Lets go Roger!!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Spurs-Heat, Game 7...Nothing Like It!

 In team sports, the ultimate  event is a Game 7 in a final round or championship series. Pressure, intensity, skill, will to win, all hands on deck, play to you drop , all accurately describe the  mindset of players and their coaching staff.
  One of the most intense 7th games I can remember took place between the Celts and Kobe's Lakers 4 or 5 years ago. Low scoring, intense-plus and every inch of the floor was fought for . Interestingly enough, the refs let em play. I'm not a Laker or Celtics fan primarily, but I sweated through most of that game.
  Tonight, with so much on the line for so many, I hope  the game can match the  intensity and  effort of that Laker-Celts 7th game. If so, we're all in for a treat!
   Take a nap, and be ready. You don't want to miss this one!!!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Spurs Played Like Champions Last Night...Could Danny Green Be the Finals MVP?

  Tremendous performance by the Spurs to get the big lead, hold on for dear life and finally get the win! Ginobli, Parker, Duncan, Green(Big 4?) and Company  got it done . I'm sure "Pop" and the Big 3 will tell you that this is the best team they've ever faced in the finals. Lebron still having troubles with mid-range stuff.
  So back to South Beach. Does it get any better?
    Did I hear someone say Danny Green for MVP?

   See you  Tuesday!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Batman and Robin Are Back! Heat Win!

  What a difference a game makes. Lebron and Wade  dominated every facet of the game last night. Defense, rebounding , scoring, passing, attacking the hoop  and both displayed  an off the charts  level of athleticism . Simply stated, those 2 , with Bosh chipping in, were like  men amongst boys last night.
   What a series!  Best of three now. Don't know what we'll see in game 5...But I'm anticipating a classic .
  See you Sunday. Happy Father's Day!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

J-Kidd, Born to Be a Coach!

Congrats JKidd. Congrats to the Nets. Congrats to the NBA!  Congrats to the entire basketball world. Jason Kidd one of the smartest , greatest and most respected point guards in NBA history is coming to Brooklyn to coach the Nets  at the ripe" young -age" of 40.
   Great move! Can't miss . As he has always done, he will instantly make the Nets better. Most definitely will surround himself with seasoned assistants...Maybe a defensive guru too. Now , I'm excited about the Nets.

 Rember, Springstein was Born to Run; Kidd was Born to Coach!!!    Gonna be exciting .

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Spurs In a Romp...Up 2-1!

Weird series so far. Game 1 in Miami, a very good game! Games 2 and 3 blowouts . Spurs keeping Lebron in check and finding ways to win. Neal and Green, wowee!
  Big one tomorrow in  San Antonio.  We again, for the hundreth time, will see what the Heat are made of .

  Wade, where are youuuuuu?

Thursday, June 6, 2013

NBA Finals; It's For All the Marbles!

  It's that time of year again! Early June, pools and beaches open. Kids' school year winding down. Fire flies. Staying light to 8:30. NHL playoffs . French Open Tennis  . But for 2 and a half weeks forget all that. It's the NBA Finals. Spurs- Heat game 1  in 22 minutes on ABC. The NBA  has come a long way...from the days the Finals were on tape delay and actually blacked  out in some places.  Now , the event is watched worldwide! Truly global. Every kid in China wants to be Lebron.
  So that leads me to the series. So many subplots that have  been hyper-analyzed. Enough. Time for the tip!

  Oh yeah.  Spurs in 7....

Monday, June 3, 2013

Miami-Indy Game 7...Lot at Stake!

Tonight, tonight!  Game 7 in Miami.. This is what it's all about.  Should be a war. Will Lebron get help?  Can Miami  neutralize Indy's size? Birdman is back...Will  Wade and Bosh step up ? Will Hibbert make any more anti-gay slurs..Maybe he should play the role of the strong silent type.
   More at stake than just a trip to the finals to meet the well-rested Spurs. For Indy, a young hungry team making the finals would  be a tremendous accomplishment. George and Hibbert have had  "breakout appearances" in the playoffs. Happy for both of them!
   For the Heat, more at stake. Yes, of course, the opportunity to  win a second consecutive ring. But long-term, there is  more  at stake. Will  Lebron stay  after next year?   Is this the  potential end of the big   3? Does Miami have to get younger and bigger? What is going on with Wade's body?
  If you recall, there  were similar questions  being asked last year ,when the Heat were down 3-2  to the Celts.  They gutted it out and beat the Celts. Can they do it again?
   If so, get ready for the same questions to be asked again during the finals.  

  See you tonight!

Friday, May 31, 2013

Miami Wins, Lebron Sole Remaining Member of " Big 3"!

  Yes Miami blew things open at the end of the third! Lebron was a standout. Haslem had the shooting game of his life and Miami's deep supporting cast played terrific team  "D".  Sad to say , Wade is a shell of himself.  Can't be discussed in same sentence as Scottie Pippen. Bosch has been reduced to  a  six  ten jumpshooter. Averaging all of  3 rebounds per game.
  Miami won because Indy's offense was putrid . Guards  had a combined 5 points. Bench contributed nothing and with the exception of George and Hibbert, the rest of the team couldn't hit the side of  a barn. I actually hope and think  Indy can pull it together and win game 6 at home. I know one thing...They'll be ready.
  A bigger question looms. Can Lebron , with a deep cast of good(not great) players, all  6  feet 10 or under win a championship? Spurs , are playing at a very high level.  And a further question...Is this the end of the "Big  3"?

 Stay tuned!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Happy Memorial Day to All The Active and Retired Armed Forces; You Rock! To Our Fallen, Thank You!

I  had  the honor or marching besides my youngest son who played in the school band  that participated in our local Memorial Day Parade today. I'm so proud of him.  He really gets it!
   But the real heroes, are those who have given their lives and those who continue to   put their lives  on the  line each and every  day  , to preserve and protect our freedoms and quality of life.
    Nothing. I mean nothing, compares to what you do for us!   Thank you!!

  Happy Memorial Day!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Sergio Garcia Is a Racist, Nothing Else You Can Say About It!

 He said it. No  denying it. No backing off it!  Wasn't kidding. If  he said it, he had  these opinions and beliefs  all along.  Was it Tiger in particular?  Did he feel this way about all blacks. There were a million things he could have said, but he made " the fried chicken  remark" . Not even new racist material. Those bigoted references were fashionable for racists 30 years ago. Hey, fried chicken is one of my favorite foods.. Yes, and  I  love collard greens, potato salad and cornbread too. Water melon, love it! 
   So  why would Sergio  make such hateful remarks? Was he brought up that way?Did he   learn from parents, friends... What gives?  I'm a firm believer that " where there is smoke, there is fire"!  Not an isolated incident. I'm sure  those around him  know the"real Sergio Garcia "and his attitudes and feelings about blacks. Fu__in shameful!
   Sergio , look you're young. Only one thing you can do. Change.  Open up you're mind, get educated...Release the hate and start over. No way to go through life.
    Your family , friends,  fellow pros and Country are ashamed of you.  This is not how  people  act in the year 2013. Or ever!   Nothing else to say!

Your conscience speaking.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Anthony "Weiner" ; Only in America Can You Go From "Underwear-Boner Emailer" To Mayor of New York?

I  always say  that America is a very forgiving  place . Second  chances  are , and always have  been  fashionable . Hey, Anthony  Weiner(Not "Wiener " silly) is a case in  "point"!  The former Congressman who lost  the "Battle of   the Bulge " and was forced to resign  is at   it  again. Yes,  believe  it or not, despite his  "bone-head  "  emails to woman other than his wife, he may very well be the " front-runner "   to be  New York's next Mayor.
    Hey, let's be honest...His comeback is "ballsy"!  Did you see his latest  campaign photo ?  Weiner and  an assistant posing in "jockstraps " .     I  guess they're  seeking "support", from big or small  constituencies.  Evidently , Anthony is a "hardened  "  politician   who likes  being   front and center. Very big supporter of the New York City construction industry.  He backs  on-going  "erection "  of new  , large (not long you nitwit)  edifices . He's  been rock-solid  on his past campaign pledges too .  So , does he deserve a second chance  ?
   I  for one, have doubts  . Will his staff be able to look him in the......(not crotch)  the eyes and keep a straight face  . Will  his  official letterhead  contain a logo of him in  a speedo? Lot of questions to be answered.
  So let's stop dicking around and let Anthony do his thing (I mean hold his thing).  All I can say is  only in America!

  May the schlong be with you!

  Steve 'Ding Dong "  Goldman reporting.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Oklahoma Tornado: Prayers, Thoughts and Relief to The Victims!

  On behalf of my family and myself, our heartfelt  prayers and  support go  out to the victims and families of yesterday's   tragic events. Our condolences to the families of those who perished.
  God Bless.  You will rebuild!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Knicks; Woody, This is The Lineup You Need to Play! Chandler, Amare, Melo, Felton and Prigioni....

  The Knicks have been outrebounded. Can't  stop Hibbert, Hill etc. Can't score . But most disappointing, is Indiana simply wanting  it more. I am so  saddened by the Knicks not being able to will themselves to give 150%. Disgusting.
   Only heart and desire will cure that. But, to cure their offense,(Which is on life fu__in support) they have to start  Amare. They have nothing to lose. No longer can they be put in a position where 3 out of 5 guys they put on the court can't score .
  They have to be prepared to start faster. Pound the ball inside early .  Gotta go to JR. Copeland and even Novack early and often. Bottom line...If they can't score, they're gone!
   Being the ultimate optimist, I'll be watching  and  rooting my ass off...That is, as long as the effort is there!

  One game at a time..And rich fans at the Garden, wake the f__k  up. It's like a morgue in there!

Steve  "Willis " Goldman  reporting.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Rangers Win, In My Opinion, Is One of The Biggest in Franchise History !!

Look, I'm not comparing it to the Cup. Or the semifinals that year. But think about it.While it was a "first-round series "; Taking into consideration the strength of the opponent, the rivalry, it being a road game, being down 3-2, coming back on no rest and  then winning Game Seven(7)  so convincingly 5-0, this   was really, really special!!  Everytime I channel-flipped to the Heat game the Rangers scored . Go figure.
    In any event , not much time to rest. Gotta get ready for the Bruins.
      Sit back and sweat. That's what the Stanley Cup Playoffs are all about.

 Steve  " Big Whistle " Goldman reporting.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Rangers-Caps; Shame Someone Has To Lose !

Rangers hang on yesterday in a game 6 thriller! Lo and behold, they're back at it again tonight in D.C. for a winner take all 7th game. Nothing like a game 7..The ultimate in pressure, intensity, drama, nerves and exhiliration ! Nail-biter for sure.(Understatement)
   These teams going at it for the second consecutive year...So evenly matched . While I've  been a Ranger fan since I'm 7 years old, it is a shame someone has to lose.

  Let's go Ran-gerssssss!!!!!!

Steve  "Blue-Line " Goldman reporting.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Don't Look Now, Mariano is 13 for 13 in Save Opportunities!

In Mariano's final season , he has answered already  one big question affirmatively. Yes, at his age , he could come back effectively from season ending surgery. The greatest  closer of all-time , is off  to perhaps his greatest start. Notoriously a slow starter, Rivera has picked up saves in 13 of the  Yanks' 20 wins...A remarkable  percentage(Lot of close games).
  With Mariano and  "Andy" , the only members of  "the core 4"  playing right now, the Bombers somehow  have played  well enough to claw out a 20-13 record! Mariano, a big  part of that.
   Wouldn't it be fitting if he retires after his greatest season ever ?

   Reporting Steve  "Casey " Goldman .

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Knicks Rout Pacers..What a Difference a Game Makes?

Melo, KMart, Prigioni  , Shumpert and Chandler  played the way we saw them all year, in last night's second half  destruction of the Pacers. Instead of the Knicks' weaknesses and Pacers' strengths being on display, it was exactly the opposite of Sunday's opener.
   Low turnovers, second chance points, solid defense and timely 3 -point shooting was the receipe!  So we have a series.
  See you Saturday night prime time on ABC in Indy.

  Let's go Knicks!

Steve " Red Holzman " Goldman reporting.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

For a Moment Dow Goes Over 15,000!

It was not a mirage..For a brief moment the  Dow went into unchartered territory, ...15,000! Then it dipped down to  14,985.
  Be interesting to see where it ends up today  .

  Steve "Adam Smith " Goldman reporting.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Chinese "Erecting " a 150 Meter High Building in Beijing Shaped Like a Penis! Very "Heady" Idea....

Yes, ladies and  gentleman. The Chinese architects are at it again. Remember the rich history of Chinese architectural  wonders  including "The Great Wall", Suzhou Gardens,  The Confucius Temple, Ruins of St. Paul's , Bank  of China  Tower, The Bund   and Forbidden City.
   And now , perhaps  their greatest   achievement .  Construction of a 150 meter building shaped like a "Giant  Penis " , designed  by "Long Dong ", a well-known  architect in Beijing. I understand that   the  development is "coming " along nicely and  currently they are working on the   elevator "shaft " .  This certainly is one of Dong's ballsiest ventures .
   It's risky too. You  never know if  " erectile dysfunction " could   bring this job to a grinding halt.  I hear the engineers  are  concerned about contraction(shrinkage) and expansion (don't say it!) during the cold and hot weather .  Go figure .
   Anyway,  I  wish them  luck in   reaching their "climax " on schedule  .  When completed, I'm sure it will be the "envy " of all Chinese men . Thank you Mr. Dong!

  Reporting  Steve  "Dr. Ruth " Goldman.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Congrats To Mark Jackson and The Warriors,,,Job Well Done!

Warriors beat Denver in 6! I can tell you  that  I am  pleasantly surprised. Yes , Denver was without Gallo. Warriors without David Lee . Andrew Bogut came up huge. Very underrated. More talented and agile  (when healthy) than you would think. Curry, Thompson, wow!  I  really  thought Denver was too athletic.
  So  what's next? Only the Spurs .
    Looking forward to it. So are the networks!

  Steve Goldman reporting.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Saudi Arabia, Get A Grip, If You're Going to Deport Guys That Are Too Handsome, What The Heck Are You Gonna Do With "Ugly People "?

 This has got to be a  first ever!  The Saudi's allegedly deported three guys for being " too handsome". Yes, you heard correctly ....too good -looking. Supposedly, this was done to protect  the Saudi Woman who  may  not be able to control themselves....Almost like the crazed Beatles fans in the  late 1960's and early 1970's. " Ladies, this was done for your own protection, don't worry".
    So will this start a Saudi trend? Good looking  is  out , ugly is in .  If you want to protect your immigration status, get ugly! Real uglllly.....  I  can picture  the next  Immigration hearing before a three-judge panel  of Eunuchs . Let's vote. "Is he too handsome? " Judge 1-yes .  Judge 2, he's handsome , but not handsome enough to be  deported. Judge 3 ," Let's go to the tiebreaker . Pull down your pants. Section 3, subdivision 2 of the Local Immigration Code says  Deportation  Deadlocks can only be  broken by  measuring  schlong size !  "
  Judge 3-"Oh,  I  see.  Well  I   have no choice ..You can  stay. You just qualified  under the 2-inch exception. But remember we'll be watching. And think ugly and small !"

  Steve Goldman reporting.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Is That the Lone Ranger and Tonto? No, no, It's Melo and JR!

  The  way these two are playing is beyond crazy!  Two guys playing at the top of their games, who are among the best in creating and  executing their own shots. Did you see Smith's 35 foot jumper at the end of the first half? I'll tell you what. He believed he could make that shot...Unlimited range . Melo, another 34 points last night. Stellar  team  " D" in the second half.
  So how far can the "dynamic duo" take the Knicks in the post-season?  I think through the first two rounds. Miami? Well we have a ways to go before we're there!  All I  can say is  fun stuff.

  Steve "Clyde "Goldman reporting.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

I Said It Once, I'll Say It a Thousand Times, There Is Nothing Like the NBA Playoffs!

Ok, I  watched  the first 6 games yesterday and today! Knicks-Celts, excellent game. Garden rocking, with a capital R. Denver game comes down to last shot  by Andre Miller . Nets  dismantle the Bulls and the Clippers  too much for the  Grizzlies. And that was only yesterday .
  Just finished watching Pacers-Hawks and Spurs-Lakers. Two more tonight !  Just think, potentially  50 more first round games and 2 months of  nightly "hoop dreams". Does it possibly get any better?
   Enjoy it . And of course, I do miss Kobe!
      Lets go Knicks. Lets go Knicks!

  Steve "Red" Goldman reporting.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Two Major Figures Pass; Both Provided Great Memories to Me!

Jonathan Winters , age 87, and  Pat Summerall (82)  both passed this week. Winters, one of the great improv comedians of all-time , and Summerall  a long-time NFL  broadcaster were both deeply ingrained in my youth ...and beyond.
   I remember Summerall, long before he teamed up with Madden, announcing  NFL  games on channel 2 with Tom Brookshier and Irv Cross as the sideline reporter , He was an institution . I probably watched every game  he broadcasted over about a 7-8 year period. Cowboys, Browns, Packers and Colts. Real NFL football!  He will be missed.
   And who could forget my main man, Jonathan Winters!  I   grew up listening to comedy albums, over and over. Winters, Don Rickles, David Klein, Bill Cosby, Flip Wilson, Buddy Hackett, George Carlin and more. Winters , was so hysterical he would make you cry. Did someone say Maude Frickett? Hefty  Trash Bags? I still have his "Wacky World of Jonathan Winters " album. Gonna try to dig it out and play it!  He was an inspiration to generations of young comedians.
  Pat, Jonathan  , God Bless. You will be missed, but not forgotten.

  Steve Goldman reporting,

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Boston Marathon Tragedy

 I want to sincerely express my condolences and heartfelt prayers and thoughts to the  victims and families of this senseless, brutal, cowardly act!  Be strong   and get well  soon!

   And to Boston, you will recover 100 %!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Dow Jones at 14,842....Next Stop 15,000 ?

What can you  say as the Dow continues to climb Mount Everest at a "record pace" ?  Nothing the "index  " does now surprises me. 11,000 was a big deal. Then 12,000! Then 13,000..Then the "Impossible Dream "...Yes, 14,000!  So two years ago, if you asked me if  15,000 was  reachable. I would have called  you a dreamer.
  But as Emmitt  Smith said in his Hall of Fame  induction speech ; "A dream is a dream, until it's written down on paper. Then it's a goal"!  In that case  , write it down. 15,000  is next!

Wall Street analyst  Steve Goldman reporting.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Lakers Win, Jazz Lose ! Things Really Getting Interesting...

 Down to the last 4 games...Will the Lakers sneak in? Sneak, being the key word here. OKC did Kobe and Co. a favor last night, knocking off  Utah . Kobe was a beast last night. 30 points, 6 boards, 6 assists and 5 steals. Not bad for an old man! I love the guy.
    Hey, one important thing to keep in mind when watching the next  4 games...There are no easy games. "On any given night...."

  Stay tuned!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

North Carolina Seeking to Establish A State Religion ; Did You Guys Ever Hear of Separation of Church and State? Duh

Michael  Jordan's  home state ,North Carolina is starting to worry me.  The latest  ridiculous proposal by it's Republican-controlled State  Legislature, is to establish  a State  Religion . Yes, you heard it! Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't this violate  the Establishment  Clause , the First Amendment to the Constitution and  the long-ingrained  doctrine of " Separation of  Church and State "? Of course it does, no ifs, ands or buts.
   Why in the name of "free religion " would a civilized state ,(ok semi-civilized, sorry) in the greatest country in the World want to do this ? Would the next step be to  deny domicile to anyone  who doesn't  practice  the "state sanctioned religion '? Will there be "door to door searches and inspections" ? Will there be interrogation by zealous state officials ? Did someone say witch hunt? Will people have to lie about their faith  so they won't lose their homes ? Will non -believers have to drive "around  North Carolina " to avoid arrest and detention ? Hey, just elect the KKK  Grand Wizard into office next. Don't make me puke!
   The idea is obviously the  invention of some warped minds with too much time on their hands....Yes I said it! Cause it's fu__in true! And these idiots believe they're right(Republicans) and righteous.  Look, this is all I can say . If , under some absurd set of circumstances, this  law is enacted, I hope the  US Department of Justice won't waste one second  heading into Federal Court to strike it down ! Will be a cakewalk.

  Steve  'Thomas Jefferson" Goldman reporting.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Is Steven A. Cohen, "the Teflon Hedge Fund Manager"?

They've been after him for a while. Civil enforement action against SAC  Capital Advisers. Indictments, criminal investigations and   pleas from several SAC  employees  . Just this past weekend , the arrest of  long-time SAC employee , Michael Steinberg . Steinberg is being charged with insider trading  in  shares of Dell  and  Nvidia.  Looks like a tough case on it's face.
  The Government may have to show 4 or 5 links in the "insider-trading  chain" to convict Steinberg . Not easy, but usually if the Feds want you bad enough, they'll find a way to get you.  Or simply to ruin your life and bankrupt you.
  But , at the end of the day this is not about Steinberg or  any other "SAC employee "  who has been pursued. It's all about Steven A. Cohen, who sits atop his Connecticut Kingdom  . The Feds have decided he did something wrong and will not rest until they  compile enough evidence to indict him or drive him out of business....Or both!
   So who will will have more staying power? The  US Government or "the multi-billionaire " with his army of lawyers ? Good question.
  In the meantime, business as usual for Cohen who just dropped $100 million on artwork and a cool $ 60 mill on a Hampton's property.
  And the beat goes on......

Friday, March 29, 2013

Happy Holidays to My Friends and Customers!

 Yes, yes Spring Break is here. Passover, Easter, Fla and March Madness. Baseball opening day and  sun(maybe).

  So take it all in and enjoy what's most important. Family and friends!

  Happy Holiday!

Monday, March 25, 2013

First Two Rounds of NCAA Tourney Awesome as Usual!

 What can you say if you love hoops? 52 games  in six days. Twelve hours of hoops on Thursday and Friday! Nail biters, blowouts...a 15th seed getting to the Sweet 16. Underdogs, favorites, mid-majors advancing . Didn't finish till midnight last night  with Duke-Creighton.
  Besides the  obvious excitement and quality of play, two things really  jumped out at me. The poise of these young kids in big situations with millions watching. Unreal ! Not to be overlooked is the zest, zeal and enthusiasm of the fans. Many traveling across country to cheer their schools on. The raw emotion is not witnessed  at such a level elsewhere except in rare cases. More to come.
   Hey, and just think,  we just reached the Round of 16. Ok,  now take a deep breath, watch the Heat for 3 days, and be ready for more mayhem Thursday.

  Steve "John Wooden "  Goldman reporting.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

NBA, It's a League of Streaks, Heat 23 In a Row, Nuggets 13 !

 As the NBA  regular season winds down and the Western Conference playoff  battle heats up , two teams continue to  play   "amazing hoops" !The Heat and the Nuggets.  The Heat have won 23 straight. Are they simply unbeatable ? Will they break  the Lakers' record? Will  Lebron and Company ever lose again?
   But while  the Heat  have been on their quest, a very interesting little sub-plot has developed over  in the Rocky Mountains. Yes, "George Karl's guys " have  won  13 straight! Yes, 13, you heard  it. They are a very dangerous, deep, athletic team. No superstars, but  believe   me , no one wants to play em.
  So sit back, enjoy the rest of the  regular season, and then the best 60 days in sports....The NBA Playoffs!

   Could we have a Heat -Nuggets final?  Let's see.

  Steve Goldman reporting.

Monday, March 18, 2013

SAC Capital To Pay $616 Million to Settle Insider Trading Litigation...Hey, These Cases Have Turned into a "Cash Cow " For the Gov't!

As  the wheel continues to turn! More historic fines and penalties are being  paid by  Banks and Hedge Funds to  Government Regulatory Agencies. And you know what? SAC Capital can write that check($616 million) without any of the slightest  concerns of "overdrawing " their bank account ! Easy come , easy go.
   With this kind of cash flow from penalties and fines, the SEC should hope and pray that fraud, insider trading, mortgage scams, Ponzi schemes and  derivitative debacles don't end anytime soon.
   And you know what? I'm positive they won't!

  Wall Street Insider Steve "Scoop " Goldman reporting.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

DePuy Metal Hip Litigation; Round One in California To the Plaintiffs!

 On   March   8th, 2013  a California  jury   awarded $8.3 million to a Montana  man who was forced to  undergo a  revision surgery to remove the allegedly defective DePuy  metal hip . This was a "huge opening win" for the plaintiffs' bar who are  representing  1000's of plaintiffs in  this "mass litigation".
   Of course, as anyone who follows these cases knows , they ultimately end up being a war of attrition. Can the manufacturer  survive the assault of  body  blows or will the plaintiffs run  out  of $  and desire first?  High stakes for sure. From what I've  read, plaintiffs will contine to use at trial, damaging   emails from DePuy excutives wherein they recognized   "major problems with the hips ", but continued to manufacture and sell them! That evidence will be hard to overcome.
  My prediction; Four or five more verdicts for the plaintiffs  and that dreaded "S word "will  surface. Yes, you guessed it, " Settlement "!    Remember, no need to feel sorry for DePuy.

  Legal analyst Steve "Tort " Goldman reporting.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

So The Dow Hits 14,253..What Does That Really Mean?

  So the Dow broke 14,250. All-time high! Woo hoo! Who woulda thunk it?  But at the end of the day while  Wall Street is thrilled, as are "stockmarket players", what does it really mean in the real world?
   More jobs, more available credit, lower unemployment, less poverty , better housing or better schools? So far no .  While corporate America is alive and well, these market gains have really not trickled down to "Joe Schmoe  Citizen ".
  What needs to be done? Your thoughts?

 Wall Street analyst  Steve  " Bull " Goldman reporting.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Lakers Two Back In Loss Column With 22 Games to Play; Can They Do It?

 Kobe  is on a tear, Howard is becoming more of a focal point of the offense and the Lakers are winning!  After pulling out a squeaker against the Hawks last night, Kobe and his pals finally reached the .500 mark[30 and 30] .  But with Houston two games ahead in the loss column and playing very good basketball themselves, one question has to be asked. Is there enough time ?
   Answer: Some how, some way Kobe will will them into the playoffs. He's not human!
    Once in, who knows?   Enjoy the ride!

NBA  beat reporter Steve " Hot Rod " Goldman reporting.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Stephen Curry...A Thing of Beauty, That's All You Can Say!

Last night's performance  by Curry  was simply  "poetry in motion "! He dropped  54 in a tantalizing loss at the " Garden ", which quite simply will be remembered as one of the greatest MSG (National TV) performances ever. A medley of 3's  under pressure, degree of difficulty through the roof, contested shots , you name it.  A  hoops junky's ultimate  night! Wow!!!!!
  And just think he's all of 23 or 24.

  I could watch the replay right now.

NBA  beat reporter Steve "  Naismith " Goldman reporting.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Pistorius Case Starting to Remind Me of OJ!

The  OJ Simpson  criminal  trial was probably the most closely watched and  obsessed over trial  in American history. Who could forget Judge Ito, Marcia Clark, Mark Fuhrman, "The Glove", Johnnie Cochran  and The L.A. Crime lab. The trial had a life of it's own. Really put Court TV on the map
   Well the Oscar Pistorius trial  in South Africa has all the makings of  "hypnotizing that nation". Mega-star , legendary athlete. Extremely popular.  Shooting of his girlfriend. Botched early investigation and the removal of lead Detective Botha, who has had charges of murder reinstated against him from a shooting he was involved in several years ago.
   And hey, we've only just completed the bail hearing!

  Stay tuned.

 Reporting, international legal analyst Steve "Justice " Goldman.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Is Representative Rayne Brown (R) ,"Nipple-Phobic"?

 North  Carolina State Representative(RF-Republican-Female) Rayne Brown  has introduced a bill  which  would make it a Class H  Felony  to expose  the nipple from the female breast in North Carolina . Oy veh!  You talk about having too much time on your hands.
   My first thought  is  whether the "right nipple " is Republican and whether the "left nipple " is Democrat in this bill . What percentage of the nipple must actually be shown   to constitute "exposure". Will only "C-cups and  up" be covered(I mean uncovered) ?  Will there be "nipple lineups "?  Will all the cases be heard(I meant seen) in  "Boob-Court" ? Will witnesses be required  make positive nipple identifications  ? How  will "blind witnesses " be able to  attest to the truth (May I coppeth a feeleth of thy royal tomatoes"?) ?  How will plea bargains work out ?
  How long will a nipple have to be exposed to qualify? On your first "nipple offense " can you go to "night bra school"?  Are sunbathers covered  ?  I guess this is the end of "strip clubs " as we know em .
   Before you panic and lose all  hope though , we still have North Carolina's leading  "boob" -expert  to swoop in to save the day... Yes, you guessed it ............................John Edwards.
   Hey, I gotta go, it's getting a little nippy out  around here.

   Reporting  Steve " Double  C " Goldman

Danica Patrick; Great Moment for Women in Sports(If You Call Auto Racing a Sport!).

 She did it! She did it! Danica Patrick has secured the pole(priority position) in the Daytona 500  Race. First time ever that a woman has accomplished that. Now she still has to win the race, but you can't belittle what she has done in a man's  "sport ". No woman in history has competed successfully at such a " high level " in a "man's sport" as Patrick . No ifs, ands or buts.
   To put it in perspective, it is widely believed that the " top 250 men's  players" could beat  Serena Williams . Patrick has excelled and continues to reach higher levels.
  Go Danica!

 NASCAR reporter Steve Goldman in the "pits".

Thursday, February 14, 2013

What a Meteoric Fall From Grace, Oscar Pistorius Goes from Olympics to Being Charged With Murder! Holy SH_T.

 Wowee. Just last summer, " the Blade Runner ", a double amputee  440M  sprinter made history by competing in the Olympics on the South African  team. Pistorius was an inspiration to  individuals with and without disabilities worldwide. You couldn't help but to  pull for the guy. Top of the world!
   Now, less than a year later, he has  fallen to  the  lowest of low. Yes, arrested and charged with murder as reported today. Condolences go out to the "victim's family". Horrible stuff.  If true, very, very sad. Either way,  he deserves  to defend himself to the fullest extent permissible under the law.
  At this point I know nothing about the facts or details . Sadly, soon enough more lurid details will surface .
 Terrible, tragic event !
   What  a shocker!

 Steve Goldman reporting.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

IOC, Dropping Wrestling ? Only an Olympic Sport Since 708 B.C.! Yes, You Heard It Correctly .

  I  couldn't believe my eyes today. Lead story, New York Times Sports...."Olympic Committee " dropping Wrestling from the  "Summer Games" ! Have they forgotten about tradition, history, what the games are all about? Wrestling has been part of the Olympics since 708 B.C.   Twenty seven  hundred  "fuc__in  years ago!
   Look, I won't lie and say  I  watch each and every match. But wrestling goes back to the days of chariot races . Everything today  can't be about glitz and glamor . Do me a favor, if you have to drop something, get rid of one of the "shooting events"! You call shooting  a sport anyway ?
  Not too late to reconsider a decision which would effectively wipe out a part of history in one fell swoop.

  Olympic reporter Steve  "Jim Thorpe " Goldman reporting.

Monday, February 11, 2013

"Join the Club "! Royal Bank of Scotland Agrees to $612 Million Settlement With U.S. and British Authorities.

Everybody's doing it, doing it..Yep, breaking the law, admitting it and  paying a hefty fine " to save their skin"! The latest financial  casualty is the Royal Bank of Scotland  who agreed to the settlement resulting   from their role  in  an interest rate manipulation scheme . Their Japanese subsidiary was actually "thrown under the bus " and pled guilty to criminal wrongdoing .
  At the end of the day, will it deter  future  "lawbreaking " by big banks ? Of course not. Just a  drop in the bucket for them. Costs, ultimately passed on to customers, somehow, some way.
   Hey,  the beat goes on!

  Wall Street Reporter Steve Goldman  signing off.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Now You Know Why The Super Bowl is the Most Watched Event in America!

The  leadup, the pre-game , the commercials, the human interest stories, half-time Beyonce, the blackout ..and oh yes, an awesome game  . What a night, what a show!  One for the ages.

  Ravens,you earned it!

 Sports reporter Steve Goldman reporting.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Mark This Date Down! DOW at 11:02 hits 14,000!

I just happened to be checking the Market a little after 11. Yes, that's when  I noticed it !  I might add , that I'd  been optimistic all  along .  So we're here!   What's next?

 Steve Goldman reporting.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Miracles, Miracles...MF Global U.S. Customers Probably to Receive 100% of Their Money Back! Happy Ending .

After what seems like years trying to untangle this financial "jig-saw puzzle" by two "pitbull trustees, numerous Regulatory investigations, Congressional Hearings, FBI investigation, a worldwide search for  "customer money ", a bankruptcy  and wrangling with British Administrators of funds, it appears that US Customers will actually be "made whole"! Amazing, great news.
    Jon Corzine , who has  been  dragged through the mud , actually may be vindicated by the whole process. His $6.3  billion bet on European Bonds paid off .  US  Customers will not lose their life savings. Although European customers won't fare as well. Anyhow, the beat goes on. 
   Hey, another day "on the Street"!

  Steve Goldman reporting.

Monday, January 28, 2013

All I Can Say is , "What a Day For The NBA"!

Yesterday, a non-football Sunday , was a hoop fan's dream day ! First game Celts beat Heat in double OT. Lebron 34 points. Pierce a "triple-double". Game 2 was special . "A playmaking Kobe" and the Lakers trying to"right the ship" beat Durant(35 points) and OKC . Playoff atmosphere and more.
   Finally game 3. Melo and the Knicks on a Sunday night at home, went down to the last shot attempt by Josh Smith to get the "W". Melo only hit 9 3's and erupted for  42  to lead the Knicks.
    What a day!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Dow at 13,835, Holy Schmolee !

 Yes, ladies  and gentleman  it's 12 degrees outside .Four degree wind chill factor.  But  the Dow is "hot as ever"!  Crept over 13,800  this morning.
    What has triggered the investor confidence?   Will it break it's all-time high water mark of 14,198  on October 11 th, 2007.

   Only time will tell!  Ok, buy, buy, buy!

  Wall Street analyst Steve Goldman reporting.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Martin Luther King, One of Two Most Influential People In Our Nation's History Relating to Civil Rights!

As far as  I'm concerned   , Dr. Martin Luther King  has  never gotten his just due historically  . Unfortunately , it took too long to recognize his accomplishments with a National Holiday and since then  the day has not been really recognized as a " full-fledged"  holiday.
   I  am at a loss as to why   Dr. King has  not been afforded  proper respect.  His drive, intelligence, persistence and self-sacrifice were instrumental in  ending segregation in the South  and of course  the passage of the  Civil Rights Act of 1964 . King, and of course Lincoln , in signing the " Emancipation Proclamation " into law  were without a doubt the  two most  influential  individuals  historically on the Civil Rights front. Don't misunderstand me . There have been untold thousands who have contributed. But King and Lincoln stand out.
   Yesterday, to me felt like a special day. President Obama's second  Inauguration falling on MLK Day, and the  feeling everywhere of "Remembering Dr. King" !  It felt  like yesterday,that recognition for  the late, great Reverend Dr. Martin  Luther King  finally came full circle!  
   Dr. King , you were the "Man" !   No one should ever forget!

Monday, January 21, 2013

"Stan the Man " Musial Passes at Age 92!

  Gotta  blog for Stan the Man !  24  time all-star, 3630 hits(1815 at home, 1815 away), 475 homers, 1900  RBI's, batted .331 lifetime , plus 3 World Series Rings and much , much more . His  name was synonomous with great hitting.  Mentioned in the same breath  as the "great Ted Williams ".
    Musial , a first ballot Hall of Famer, played 22 years  and was remembered as a gentle,  caring,  decent man. He was  Mr. St. Louis  Cardinal.
    Stan, you will be missed, but not  forgotten !  You  will always be loved!  Loved that lefty swing....

Saturday, January 19, 2013

James Hood, A Civil Rights Legend Dies at Age 70 !

Let's stop wasting our time debating about  Lance Armstrong . He cheated and lied and that's it. Move on. Time to rememember and honor  "real men" like  James Hood  . Do you  know who he is? Probably most don't. Don't  think they  teach about him specifically in schools and the huge impact he made in the "Civil Rights Movement ".
   The year is  1963. The place University of Alabama. The "deep south " . The Governor of Alabama , George Wallace was a renowned racist and bigot . Volatile  time in the South . Kennedy Administration is occupying the White House.
    So on this historic day  in 1963  when Hood and Vivian Malone attempted to   enter the U. of Alabama building to register,  (Accompanied by the Assistant  United States Attorney General) they were met at the door by George Wallace . Wallace had vowed to block desegregation at the school.  Eventually, Wallace backed down, the students registered and the school desegregated .  Huge moment in history.
    Hood actually went back and earned his Doctorate in 1997.

     He and Ms. Malone  were  a brave duo!  You can't say enough about their courage and faith.  God Bless!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Dow Just Hits 13,500; Will it Continue to Move Upward ?

  In  the fall of 2008, I recall the Dow Jones bottoming out around 7,000 and change . Many experts felt at that time if the "Dow" went below  7,000, we might experience another free-fall . Well along comes "Sheriff Obama", the bailouts, "too big to fail" and all the other financial turmoil we've experienced nationally and globally over the past five years and lo and behold here we are!   I have one question. Who gets the credit for this?

 Wall Street analyst  SF  Goldman the 4th reporting.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Gun Control; New York Doing the Right Thing...Other 49 States Should Follow!

New York is about to pass new , ramped up gun control laws. Governor Cuomo  you rock!  Without hesitation the other 49 states should follow suit . Things have gotten out of control  with  the $12 billion gun industry. We see horrible, preventable tragedies every day.  Sad stuff.
   We need  tougher uniform rules, mandatory training, background checks, classes, waiting periods and an ultimate decision by a " licensing committee " (after due deliberation) whether to grant the privilige of a gun license to  an individual who has  demonstrated " good cause " to  own a hand-gun .
    That would be a good start!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Baseball Writers Playing God, Refuse To Allow Anyone Into The "Hall"!

Yesterday's announced results that the Baseball Writers of America  didn't vote a single player into the Hall  of Fame  was a sad day for  baseball. The power that these writers  hold  has gotten to the  point  where a change  needs to be made. The omnipotent  "voting journalists"  can vote yes or no for any reason or none at all. No rhyme or reason  necessary!  A player dedicates his entire life to the sport , only to learn that certain writers don't  vote "yes" on the first ballot...No ifs, ands or buts. It seems that the writers took out their  " Bonds-Clemens "  hostility  on everybody else . It doesn't matter if there  is evidence of "roids " or not...You played during that era so you're screwed!  So just  take  the Hall down. We don't need it . 
    Or give us some objective criteria to work with.  3000 Hits, 500 homers, 300 wins or 1500  RBI's used to get you in. No more . Things have gotten out of hand . Morals are now looked at.
   Something has to change, and before  next year.
      Are we gonna now look at all past indutee's and scrutize their lives. Ty Cobb was a racist . So were 1000 other guys. Mantle and his crew drank before games,  came to games  drunk. Every player who ever took  amphetamines , excess painkillers,  prescription narcotics  are out. Wife beaters...Out!  Guys who cheated in college!  Out!  Caught chewing gum in Junior High School class out!   The Hall would be fu__in empty!
   Let's get a grip here . Maybe the players should vote on which writers should be eligible!

  Steve Goldman reporting.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Don't Look Now; Rockets With Harden, J Lin and Company Have Won 5 in a Row and 12 Out of 15!

Harden, Lin, Assik ,Chandler Parsons and  Carlos Del Fino...Yes, that's the 2012-2013 Houston Rockets! This year was supposed to be a "total rebuilding  project". Lo and behold they get Lin, Assik and pull off the Harden deal! Harden has been a top 5 player all year, since day 1 . Lin , filling up stat sheets. The rest of the players  trusting Lin.
    The Rockets under Kevin McHale , can run, shoot, pass and score.The team has really gelled , and besides Harden they have a number of weapons. Hey, I watched em run circles around  Kobe, Nash and the Lakers last night. Fun stuff!

  Let's just enjoy the ride!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Somehow, Some Way , The Dow Has Snuck Up To 13435, How Much Further Will it Go?

 With a New Year, Obama re-elected  and the "Fiscal Cliff  "  stabilized,  the Dow has  jumped about 300 points in the last  few  days!  Yes it has  , even in the face  of  "House  Republican  Sabatoge  ". Oh, what  a legislative system we currently have.
   Anyway,  should be another volatile year in Congress. Can the parties actually work together?  I know; silly for asking. Well,  the Dow  is nearing  13,500.

  Who woulda thunk?   Your thoughts?

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Penn State Scandal; What a Fuc__n Joke, Penn State Agrees to Sanctions, Now The Commonwealth of Pa. Is Suing Over Them!

Governor Tom Corbett  of   Pa. has reached  a new  level  "chutzpah "!   After  Penn State  agreed  to  NCAA  sanctions  handed down to their football  program, (Corbett served on  the Board of Trustees) , the State of Pennsylvania has now  sued the NCAA  in Federal Court  alleging  "Sherman  Antitrust  Violations".
   Don't make me laugh...I just ate! Corbett in a blatantly transparent political  move  has orchestrated  the filing of this meritless lawsuit.  Here's what he's trying to  have a Federal Court  Judge  accept. Penn State   University  agreed  to a $60  million sanction and a   four year  suspension from any "Bowl Games " for one simple reason . They were happy to take it on the chin to save  their cherished football program. They even made the first  $12  million payment to the NCAA . Governor Corbett actually  served on the Board of Trustees  who voted  to accept the sanctions . Part of the agreement was that  Penn State  would not contest the sanctions.
    So what does Corbett do ?  Confident  that the sanctions in place "saved the football program"(and cannot get worse )  , he goes out and  challenges the penalty. Hey, a deal  is a deal, isn't it?  No one forced Penn State to accept the sanction. They did, because they feared a  five year ban or worse  of any football...which would have been a death knell.  Tom, you can't have your cake and eat it too! What you  are attempting to do, would be akin to the NCAA   saying " we think the santions are too light, we want to scrap your entire football program instead."  Ridiculous!  IT'S A NO-WIN SITUATION.
  Finally,  somehow I don't believe we"ve heard  the last  of  "santions " here.. A  Federal  Court  Judge when all is said and done,  may very well be inclined to santion Corbett and the State of Pennsylvania for filing  this  frivilous lawsuit .
   Stay tuned.

  NCAA  reporter S.F. Goldman  III   reporting.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Welcoming In 2013!

So here we are again , a new , fresh year. I wish all my friends a happy , healthy and prosperous New Year. The new year brings new resolutions, new diets, promises and threats to break old, bad habits.
 Don't enter the New Year in a daze, embrace it ...full steam ahead!

  Gotta get some black coffee!   Go get em!

Steve Goldman reporting.