Monday, June 3, 2013

Miami-Indy Game 7...Lot at Stake!

Tonight, tonight!  Game 7 in Miami.. This is what it's all about.  Should be a war. Will Lebron get help?  Can Miami  neutralize Indy's size? Birdman is back...Will  Wade and Bosh step up ? Will Hibbert make any more anti-gay slurs..Maybe he should play the role of the strong silent type.
   More at stake than just a trip to the finals to meet the well-rested Spurs. For Indy, a young hungry team making the finals would  be a tremendous accomplishment. George and Hibbert have had  "breakout appearances" in the playoffs. Happy for both of them!
   For the Heat, more at stake. Yes, of course, the opportunity to  win a second consecutive ring. But long-term, there is  more  at stake. Will  Lebron stay  after next year?   Is this the  potential end of the big   3? Does Miami have to get younger and bigger? What is going on with Wade's body?
  If you recall, there  were similar questions  being asked last year ,when the Heat were down 3-2  to the Celts.  They gutted it out and beat the Celts. Can they do it again?
   If so, get ready for the same questions to be asked again during the finals.  

  See you tonight!

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