Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Anthony "Weiner" ; Only in America Can You Go From "Underwear-Boner Emailer" To Mayor of New York?

I  always say  that America is a very forgiving  place . Second  chances  are , and always have  been  fashionable . Hey, Anthony  Weiner(Not "Wiener " silly) is a case in  "point"!  The former Congressman who lost  the "Battle of   the Bulge " and was forced to resign  is at   it  again. Yes,  believe  it or not, despite his  "bone-head  "  emails to woman other than his wife, he may very well be the " front-runner "   to be  New York's next Mayor.
    Hey, let's be honest...His comeback is "ballsy"!  Did you see his latest  campaign photo ?  Weiner and  an assistant posing in "jockstraps " .     I  guess they're  seeking "support", from big or small  constituencies.  Evidently , Anthony is a "hardened  "  politician   who likes  being   front and center. Very big supporter of the New York City construction industry.  He backs  on-going  "erection "  of new  , large (not long you nitwit)  edifices . He's  been rock-solid  on his past campaign pledges too .  So , does he deserve a second chance  ?
   I  for one, have doubts  . Will his staff be able to look him in the......(not crotch)  the eyes and keep a straight face  . Will  his  official letterhead  contain a logo of him in  a speedo? Lot of questions to be answered.
  So let's stop dicking around and let Anthony do his thing (I mean hold his thing).  All I can say is  only in America!

  May the schlong be with you!

  Steve 'Ding Dong "  Goldman reporting.

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