Monday, May 6, 2013

Chinese "Erecting " a 150 Meter High Building in Beijing Shaped Like a Penis! Very "Heady" Idea....

Yes, ladies and  gentleman. The Chinese architects are at it again. Remember the rich history of Chinese architectural  wonders  including "The Great Wall", Suzhou Gardens,  The Confucius Temple, Ruins of St. Paul's , Bank  of China  Tower, The Bund   and Forbidden City.
   And now , perhaps  their greatest   achievement .  Construction of a 150 meter building shaped like a "Giant  Penis " , designed  by "Long Dong ", a well-known  architect in Beijing. I understand that   the  development is "coming " along nicely and  currently they are working on the   elevator "shaft " .  This certainly is one of Dong's ballsiest ventures .
   It's risky too. You  never know if  " erectile dysfunction " could   bring this job to a grinding halt.  I hear the engineers  are  concerned about contraction(shrinkage) and expansion (don't say it!) during the cold and hot weather .  Go figure .
   Anyway,  I  wish them  luck in   reaching their "climax " on schedule  .  When completed, I'm sure it will be the "envy " of all Chinese men . Thank you Mr. Dong!

  Reporting  Steve  "Dr. Ruth " Goldman.

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