Friday, May 24, 2013

Sergio Garcia Is a Racist, Nothing Else You Can Say About It!

 He said it. No  denying it. No backing off it!  Wasn't kidding. If  he said it, he had  these opinions and beliefs  all along.  Was it Tiger in particular?  Did he feel this way about all blacks. There were a million things he could have said, but he made " the fried chicken  remark" . Not even new racist material. Those bigoted references were fashionable for racists 30 years ago. Hey, fried chicken is one of my favorite foods.. Yes, and  I  love collard greens, potato salad and cornbread too. Water melon, love it! 
   So  why would Sergio  make such hateful remarks? Was he brought up that way?Did he   learn from parents, friends... What gives?  I'm a firm believer that " where there is smoke, there is fire"!  Not an isolated incident. I'm sure  those around him  know the"real Sergio Garcia "and his attitudes and feelings about blacks. Fu__in shameful!
   Sergio , look you're young. Only one thing you can do. Change.  Open up you're mind, get educated...Release the hate and start over. No way to go through life.
    Your family , friends,  fellow pros and Country are ashamed of you.  This is not how  people  act in the year 2013. Or ever!   Nothing else to say!

Your conscience speaking.

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