Friday, May 10, 2013

Don't Look Now, Mariano is 13 for 13 in Save Opportunities!

In Mariano's final season , he has answered already  one big question affirmatively. Yes, at his age , he could come back effectively from season ending surgery. The greatest  closer of all-time , is off  to perhaps his greatest start. Notoriously a slow starter, Rivera has picked up saves in 13 of the  Yanks' 20 wins...A remarkable  percentage(Lot of close games).
  With Mariano and  "Andy" , the only members of  "the core 4"  playing right now, the Bombers somehow  have played  well enough to claw out a 20-13 record! Mariano, a big  part of that.
   Wouldn't it be fitting if he retires after his greatest season ever ?

   Reporting Steve  "Casey " Goldman .

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