Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Miracles, Miracles...MF Global U.S. Customers Probably to Receive 100% of Their Money Back! Happy Ending .

After what seems like years trying to untangle this financial "jig-saw puzzle" by two "pitbull trustees, numerous Regulatory investigations, Congressional Hearings, FBI investigation, a worldwide search for  "customer money ", a bankruptcy  and wrangling with British Administrators of funds, it appears that US Customers will actually be "made whole"! Amazing, great news.
    Jon Corzine , who has  been  dragged through the mud , actually may be vindicated by the whole process. His $6.3  billion bet on European Bonds paid off .  US  Customers will not lose their life savings. Although European customers won't fare as well. Anyhow, the beat goes on. 
   Hey, another day "on the Street"!

  Steve Goldman reporting.

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