Thursday, January 10, 2013

Baseball Writers Playing God, Refuse To Allow Anyone Into The "Hall"!

Yesterday's announced results that the Baseball Writers of America  didn't vote a single player into the Hall  of Fame  was a sad day for  baseball. The power that these writers  hold  has gotten to the  point  where a change  needs to be made. The omnipotent  "voting journalists"  can vote yes or no for any reason or none at all. No rhyme or reason  necessary!  A player dedicates his entire life to the sport , only to learn that certain writers don't  vote "yes" on the first ballot...No ifs, ands or buts. It seems that the writers took out their  " Bonds-Clemens "  hostility  on everybody else . It doesn't matter if there  is evidence of "roids " or not...You played during that era so you're screwed!  So just  take  the Hall down. We don't need it . 
    Or give us some objective criteria to work with.  3000 Hits, 500 homers, 300 wins or 1500  RBI's used to get you in. No more . Things have gotten out of hand . Morals are now looked at.
   Something has to change, and before  next year.
      Are we gonna now look at all past indutee's and scrutize their lives. Ty Cobb was a racist . So were 1000 other guys. Mantle and his crew drank before games,  came to games  drunk. Every player who ever took  amphetamines , excess painkillers,  prescription narcotics  are out. Wife beaters...Out!  Guys who cheated in college!  Out!  Caught chewing gum in Junior High School class out!   The Hall would be fu__in empty!
   Let's get a grip here . Maybe the players should vote on which writers should be eligible!

  Steve Goldman reporting.

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