Thursday, January 3, 2013

Penn State Scandal; What a Fuc__n Joke, Penn State Agrees to Sanctions, Now The Commonwealth of Pa. Is Suing Over Them!

Governor Tom Corbett  of   Pa. has reached  a new  level  "chutzpah "!   After  Penn State  agreed  to  NCAA  sanctions  handed down to their football  program, (Corbett served on  the Board of Trustees) , the State of Pennsylvania has now  sued the NCAA  in Federal Court  alleging  "Sherman  Antitrust  Violations".
   Don't make me laugh...I just ate! Corbett in a blatantly transparent political  move  has orchestrated  the filing of this meritless lawsuit.  Here's what he's trying to  have a Federal Court  Judge  accept. Penn State   University  agreed  to a $60  million sanction and a   four year  suspension from any "Bowl Games " for one simple reason . They were happy to take it on the chin to save  their cherished football program. They even made the first  $12  million payment to the NCAA . Governor Corbett actually  served on the Board of Trustees  who voted  to accept the sanctions . Part of the agreement was that  Penn State  would not contest the sanctions.
    So what does Corbett do ?  Confident  that the sanctions in place "saved the football program"(and cannot get worse )  , he goes out and  challenges the penalty. Hey, a deal  is a deal, isn't it?  No one forced Penn State to accept the sanction. They did, because they feared a  five year ban or worse  of any football...which would have been a death knell.  Tom, you can't have your cake and eat it too! What you  are attempting to do, would be akin to the NCAA   saying " we think the santions are too light, we want to scrap your entire football program instead."  Ridiculous!  IT'S A NO-WIN SITUATION.
  Finally,  somehow I don't believe we"ve heard  the last  of  "santions " here.. A  Federal  Court  Judge when all is said and done,  may very well be inclined to santion Corbett and the State of Pennsylvania for filing  this  frivilous lawsuit .
   Stay tuned.

  NCAA  reporter S.F. Goldman  III   reporting.

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