Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Martin Luther King, One of Two Most Influential People In Our Nation's History Relating to Civil Rights!

As far as  I'm concerned   , Dr. Martin Luther King  has  never gotten his just due historically  . Unfortunately , it took too long to recognize his accomplishments with a National Holiday and since then  the day has not been really recognized as a " full-fledged"  holiday.
   I  am at a loss as to why   Dr. King has  not been afforded  proper respect.  His drive, intelligence, persistence and self-sacrifice were instrumental in  ending segregation in the South  and of course  the passage of the  Civil Rights Act of 1964 . King, and of course Lincoln , in signing the " Emancipation Proclamation " into law  were without a doubt the  two most  influential  individuals  historically on the Civil Rights front. Don't misunderstand me . There have been untold thousands who have contributed. But King and Lincoln stand out.
   Yesterday, to me felt like a special day. President Obama's second  Inauguration falling on MLK Day, and the  feeling everywhere of "Remembering Dr. King" !  It felt  like yesterday,that recognition for  the late, great Reverend Dr. Martin  Luther King  finally came full circle!  
   Dr. King , you were the "Man" !   No one should ever forget!

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