Monday, January 21, 2013

"Stan the Man " Musial Passes at Age 92!

  Gotta  blog for Stan the Man !  24  time all-star, 3630 hits(1815 at home, 1815 away), 475 homers, 1900  RBI's, batted .331 lifetime , plus 3 World Series Rings and much , much more . His  name was synonomous with great hitting.  Mentioned in the same breath  as the "great Ted Williams ".
    Musial , a first ballot Hall of Famer, played 22 years  and was remembered as a gentle,  caring,  decent man. He was  Mr. St. Louis  Cardinal.
    Stan, you will be missed, but not  forgotten !  You  will always be loved!  Loved that lefty swing....

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