Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Don't Look Now; Rockets With Harden, J Lin and Company Have Won 5 in a Row and 12 Out of 15!

Harden, Lin, Assik ,Chandler Parsons and  Carlos Del Fino...Yes, that's the 2012-2013 Houston Rockets! This year was supposed to be a "total rebuilding  project". Lo and behold they get Lin, Assik and pull off the Harden deal! Harden has been a top 5 player all year, since day 1 . Lin , filling up stat sheets. The rest of the players  trusting Lin.
    The Rockets under Kevin McHale , can run, shoot, pass and score.The team has really gelled , and besides Harden they have a number of weapons. Hey, I watched em run circles around  Kobe, Nash and the Lakers last night. Fun stuff!

  Let's just enjoy the ride!

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