Saturday, January 19, 2013

James Hood, A Civil Rights Legend Dies at Age 70 !

Let's stop wasting our time debating about  Lance Armstrong . He cheated and lied and that's it. Move on. Time to rememember and honor  "real men" like  James Hood  . Do you  know who he is? Probably most don't. Don't  think they  teach about him specifically in schools and the huge impact he made in the "Civil Rights Movement ".
   The year is  1963. The place University of Alabama. The "deep south " . The Governor of Alabama , George Wallace was a renowned racist and bigot . Volatile  time in the South . Kennedy Administration is occupying the White House.
    So on this historic day  in 1963  when Hood and Vivian Malone attempted to   enter the U. of Alabama building to register,  (Accompanied by the Assistant  United States Attorney General) they were met at the door by George Wallace . Wallace had vowed to block desegregation at the school.  Eventually, Wallace backed down, the students registered and the school desegregated .  Huge moment in history.
    Hood actually went back and earned his Doctorate in 1997.

     He and Ms. Malone  were  a brave duo!  You can't say enough about their courage and faith.  God Bless!

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