Thursday, August 1, 2013

Terrence Jones, What the Fu_k Were You Thinking..............?

Every day you can scratch your head a million times  trying to  reconcile in your mind why people do  the things they do.  Yesterday, Terrence Jones , a 21 year old forward with the Houston Rockets (NBA) was arrested for stomping on the body of a  homeless man in Portland, Oregon. Why? Was he having a bad day?  Did he feel threatened or harassed?  Is he angry? Did he think no one would notice?
   I don't know the answer ...Only Jones does. Not right!  Not good.   Look ,the Rockets are a class organization and I'm sure they will tackle this issue head on. Thank God there were no reported "serious injuries" .
   The way I see it, is that Jones is still an immature kid with some anger issues. Let him get help now!  He'll have plenty of time to right the ship.
   In the meantime...A charitable contribution and community service with Portland's homeless population would be a great start.   Oh, and of course a great big, "I'm sorry"! 

P.S. Unfortunately, for Jones, a lawsuit to follow is inevitable. This is, afterall  America.....

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