Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Judge Scheindlin to NYC; Current Stop and Frisk Policy Is Unconstitutional!

  Federal Court Judge Shira   Scheindlin  just sent  a strong message to Mayor Bloomberg and NYC....Your  current policy is  racially motivated  and thus unconstitutional!  In  her decision, the Presiding Judge  did not go  as far as scrapping the entire policy,  but did appoint a  monitor to analyze, oversee and  revamp the City's  policy. The Court found overwhelming evidence that a disproportionate number of those stopped and frisked were  male, African-Americans and Latinos. Mayor Bloomberg has vowed to continue an appellate fight...Which most certainly will be  a "losing battle".
   For now, all I can say is Judge Scheindlin, you rock!

  Steve "Clarence Darrow " Goldman reporting.

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