Tuesday, March 12, 2013

DePuy Metal Hip Litigation; Round One in California To the Plaintiffs!

 On   March   8th, 2013  a California  jury   awarded $8.3 million to a Montana  man who was forced to  undergo a  revision surgery to remove the allegedly defective DePuy  metal hip . This was a "huge opening win" for the plaintiffs' bar who are  representing  1000's of plaintiffs in  this "mass litigation".
   Of course, as anyone who follows these cases knows , they ultimately end up being a war of attrition. Can the manufacturer  survive the assault of  body  blows or will the plaintiffs run  out  of $  and desire first?  High stakes for sure. From what I've  read, plaintiffs will contine to use at trial, damaging   emails from DePuy excutives wherein they recognized   "major problems with the hips ", but continued to manufacture and sell them! That evidence will be hard to overcome.
  My prediction; Four or five more verdicts for the plaintiffs  and that dreaded "S word "will  surface. Yes, you guessed it, " Settlement "!    Remember, no need to feel sorry for DePuy.

  Legal analyst Steve "Tort " Goldman reporting.

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