Monday, March 18, 2013

SAC Capital To Pay $616 Million to Settle Insider Trading Litigation...Hey, These Cases Have Turned into a "Cash Cow " For the Gov't!

As  the wheel continues to turn! More historic fines and penalties are being  paid by  Banks and Hedge Funds to  Government Regulatory Agencies. And you know what? SAC Capital can write that check($616 million) without any of the slightest  concerns of "overdrawing " their bank account ! Easy come , easy go.
   With this kind of cash flow from penalties and fines, the SEC should hope and pray that fraud, insider trading, mortgage scams, Ponzi schemes and  derivitative debacles don't end anytime soon.
   And you know what? I'm positive they won't!

  Wall Street Insider Steve "Scoop " Goldman reporting.

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