Friday, July 19, 2013

Blythe Masters And Goldman, Sachs...It's Only Another $500 Million...No Biggie!

I   got an idea. Going forward, every MBA  program and every Investment Bank orientation for new hires   should  have a mandatory course called  " money-making schemes without a conscience". In reality , that's what a  large part of the the Wall Street " monopoly  money"  culture has become . It  all started with 3 key ingredients; Greed(greed, and greed) , legal loopholes and  the  lack of any conscience on Wall Street.
  The fine arts of  betting against your client's position, selling toxic, mortgaged-back securities, buying and dismantling companies, going public or private and overleveraging the  new entity to pay for upper managements' sale of stock, taking multi-billion  dollar  risks in the derivative  markets  and of  course  turning money losing businesses into  profit centers  would  be the   subjects  taught at the masters level. Grasping these concepts would  guarantee to put you on the fast-track in today's Wall Street.
  Yes, turning money losing electric companies into profit centers is  exactly what Masters and  Goldman Sachs did. It will cost them a cool  $ 500 million in fines and/or penalties.Wowee.
   A deterrent to Wall Street?  Of course not. More like an  incentive...Yes, an incentive  to dream up another scheme to earn back that $500   million as soon as possible.  And the beat goes on.....

Steve   "Getko " Goldman reporting.

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