Monday, July 22, 2013

In Case You Were Wondering about Manny........

 I  , for one, thought that Manny Ramirez  had dropped off  the face of the earth. The last  I had heard, he was owed $20 million from the Dodgers  and was suspended for like a 100 games  for  using a banned substance.
  Well for those of  you who are still intrigued by the 41 year old,  the New York Times  reported  today that he  is now playing for the  Texas Rangers' Triple  A  affiliate after a brief stint in Taiwan. Shaved his hair off to please owner, Nolan Ryan, and apparently is a new, grounded man. Has 3 homers I believe in 12 games.  Trying to  live a simple, clean life.
    Hey, America is the land of second and third chances....So why not  Manny?  Spitzer and Weiner are trying it..555  homers and counting!  Manny being Manny.

Steve Goldman  reporting.

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