Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Guess Who's Coming To Dinner? Paula Deen Is Having Sergio Garcia Over for Fried Chicken!

  Let's look at this objectively . It is 2013 and Paula Deen is  is still using the "N  Word".  She's a racist, plain and  simple . Sergio Garcia is also a racist. So in light of their  mutual ignorance, there is only one thing to do.  Yes, Paula's going to cook fried  chicken for Sergio and  her 3  remaining  sponsors  at her place. Retired members of the KKK  will  serve as waiters and bus "boys".  Motown music will be piped in through the sound system  and  JayZ  will perform live. All to be followed by an NBA live dunk contest in her living room.
    After dinner ,  meditation  and sensitivity training. Then Paula will attempt not to use the N Word for 15 straight minutes. If  successful,  Paula and Sergio will be driven to  Harlem....Yes, to actually be exposed to black people. Can you believe it?  A cooking apprenticeship  will  be arranged for her at Sylvias, so she can taste real soul food. And Sergio, bad news . You've been kicked off  the PGA Tour. But the good news is that you'll be Tiger Woods' caddy for the next 12 months while you learn tolerance.
  Paula and Sergio...Are you getting the point?  Your minds are warped and you're out of touch! But hey, it's not too late to  change . It's sadly, no way to go through life.....And most importantly, maybe you won't  expose another generation to your hatred.

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