Wednesday, February 13, 2013

IOC, Dropping Wrestling ? Only an Olympic Sport Since 708 B.C.! Yes, You Heard It Correctly .

  I  couldn't believe my eyes today. Lead story, New York Times Sports...."Olympic Committee " dropping Wrestling from the  "Summer Games" ! Have they forgotten about tradition, history, what the games are all about? Wrestling has been part of the Olympics since 708 B.C.   Twenty seven  hundred  "fuc__in  years ago!
   Look, I won't lie and say  I  watch each and every match. But wrestling goes back to the days of chariot races . Everything today  can't be about glitz and glamor . Do me a favor, if you have to drop something, get rid of one of the "shooting events"! You call shooting  a sport anyway ?
  Not too late to reconsider a decision which would effectively wipe out a part of history in one fell swoop.

  Olympic reporter Steve  "Jim Thorpe " Goldman reporting.

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