Monday, February 18, 2013

Is Representative Rayne Brown (R) ,"Nipple-Phobic"?

 North  Carolina State Representative(RF-Republican-Female) Rayne Brown  has introduced a bill  which  would make it a Class H  Felony  to expose  the nipple from the female breast in North Carolina . Oy veh!  You talk about having too much time on your hands.
   My first thought  is  whether the "right nipple " is Republican and whether the "left nipple " is Democrat in this bill . What percentage of the nipple must actually be shown   to constitute "exposure". Will only "C-cups and  up" be covered(I mean uncovered) ?  Will there be "nipple lineups "?  Will all the cases be heard(I meant seen) in  "Boob-Court" ? Will witnesses be required  make positive nipple identifications  ? How  will "blind witnesses " be able to  attest to the truth (May I coppeth a feeleth of thy royal tomatoes"?) ?  How will plea bargains work out ?
  How long will a nipple have to be exposed to qualify? On your first "nipple offense " can you go to "night bra school"?  Are sunbathers covered  ?  I guess this is the end of "strip clubs " as we know em .
   Before you panic and lose all  hope though , we still have North Carolina's leading  "boob" -expert  to swoop in to save the day... Yes, you guessed it ............................John Edwards.
   Hey, I gotta go, it's getting a little nippy out  around here.

   Reporting  Steve " Double  C " Goldman

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