Monday, February 18, 2013

Danica Patrick; Great Moment for Women in Sports(If You Call Auto Racing a Sport!).

 She did it! She did it! Danica Patrick has secured the pole(priority position) in the Daytona 500  Race. First time ever that a woman has accomplished that. Now she still has to win the race, but you can't belittle what she has done in a man's  "sport ". No woman in history has competed successfully at such a " high level " in a "man's sport" as Patrick . No ifs, ands or buts.
   To put it in perspective, it is widely believed that the " top 250 men's  players" could beat  Serena Williams . Patrick has excelled and continues to reach higher levels.
  Go Danica!

 NASCAR reporter Steve Goldman in the "pits".

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