Monday, February 11, 2013

"Join the Club "! Royal Bank of Scotland Agrees to $612 Million Settlement With U.S. and British Authorities.

Everybody's doing it, doing it..Yep, breaking the law, admitting it and  paying a hefty fine " to save their skin"! The latest financial  casualty is the Royal Bank of Scotland  who agreed to the settlement resulting   from their role  in  an interest rate manipulation scheme . Their Japanese subsidiary was actually "thrown under the bus " and pled guilty to criminal wrongdoing .
  At the end of the day, will it deter  future  "lawbreaking " by big banks ? Of course not. Just a  drop in the bucket for them. Costs, ultimately passed on to customers, somehow, some way.
   Hey,  the beat goes on!

  Wall Street Reporter Steve Goldman  signing off.

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