Tuesday, October 8, 2013

A-Rod's Legal "Dream Team" Giving Him His Money's Worth!

Hey, everyone is entitled to the best legal defense(or offense) available. Of course , the wealthy can afford "slightly better " counsel. Look what  OJ's and John Gotti's  superstar attorneys did for them. Need  I  say more ?
  So A-Rod who has  dug his heels in and  vowed to fight MLB's  suspension to  the end, has himself compiled a pretty impressive  team of attorneys.  They're counseling him,  representing  him at the arbitration, conducting  a "leave no-stone unturned  " investigation, and just last week  filed 2 new lawsuits on A-Rod's behalf.  I  like their latest strategy. Take the offensive. Let  your adversary  know you have unlimited resources and staying power. No downside at all.
  So  as the post-season continues, A-Rod's " legal eagles " gear up for more battle.

  Who will blink first?  Stay tuned!!

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