Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Even The Great OZ (I mean Steven A. Cohen) Feeling The Effects of The Government's Full Court Press!

 Criminal prosecutions of high level employees , a  huge civil investigation , astronomical legal bills  and the uncertainty of " what's next " , have all  had a   significant impact on SAC Partners ! I'm a firm believer, that if the Government  wants you bad enough, they'll somehow destroy you. (see John Gotti, et al).
   I think you're seeing the end of SAC  Partners as you previously knew them . Already, most or all of the outside $ is gone. The London office is closing. Defections I assume are   numerous. Layoffs are happening, units/divisions are closing. Shrinkage is inevitable.
   What will SAC  look  like in say 2 years? Stamford office only. 400-500  employees. Managing only about $5 billion ...All Steven Cohen's . Profits and management fees way down.  But somehow, they'll survive.
  Hey, Cohen may even have to sell a few more Monets. Life sucks, I guess.

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