Thursday, October 17, 2013

Republicans Should Be Suspended for One Year For Being Such A__holes!

 What a  "cluster-f__k!!  Our beloved "right wingers"  put our great country on the brink of default, caused a Government  Shutdown  and may have caused  irreparable damage to their party. May, I mean definitely did  cause long-lasting damage to the  GOP.  And for what?
   The debt ceiling   crisis was resolved  finally. We all knew it would be. Not if, but when. A huge game of chicken...That's all it was .  A  plan with   zero chance  of success. 
  Hey, maybe some good  will come out of all this.  Republican political suicide and the Dems retaking the  House.  Let's see. 
  Thank God, the Statue of Liberty is back open.

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