Monday, October 14, 2013

Steven Cohen of SAC Capital Selling Artwork to Pay For Legal Bills...But Please Don't Feel Sorry For Him!!!

   As reported in the NY Times  today, Hedge Fund  Mogul, Steven  A. Cohen, embroiled in SAC's  indictment and  mounting regulatory  headaches was selling some high-end artwork to pay  for  the  multi-million  dollar legal bills that SAC   has incurred  and is still  incurring. The legal bills will continue to accrue , as  I'm sure Cohen understands  his team  has to outwork the SEC  and Justice Dep't  to survive.
   But hey, please  don't feel sorry  for Cohen. He's reported to be worth in excess of $7 billion. Yes, billion!  It's  his decision to fight, somehow to preserve his legacy.
   The lawyers are getting richer, but they too have one big problem...Not enough  time to even fill out their "time sheets"!
    Good luck selling your Andy Warhols.

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