Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Is That the Lone Ranger and Tonto? No, no, It's Melo and JR!

  The  way these two are playing is beyond crazy!  Two guys playing at the top of their games, who are among the best in creating and  executing their own shots. Did you see Smith's 35 foot jumper at the end of the first half? I'll tell you what. He believed he could make that shot...Unlimited range . Melo, another 34 points last night. Stellar  team  " D" in the second half.
  So how far can the "dynamic duo" take the Knicks in the post-season?  I think through the first two rounds. Miami? Well we have a ways to go before we're there!  All I  can say is  fun stuff.

  Steve "Clyde "Goldman reporting.

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