Thursday, April 4, 2013

North Carolina Seeking to Establish A State Religion ; Did You Guys Ever Hear of Separation of Church and State? Duh

Michael  Jordan's  home state ,North Carolina is starting to worry me.  The latest  ridiculous proposal by it's Republican-controlled State  Legislature, is to establish  a State  Religion . Yes, you heard it! Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't this violate  the Establishment  Clause , the First Amendment to the Constitution and  the long-ingrained  doctrine of " Separation of  Church and State "? Of course it does, no ifs, ands or buts.
   Why in the name of "free religion " would a civilized state ,(ok semi-civilized, sorry) in the greatest country in the World want to do this ? Would the next step be to  deny domicile to anyone  who doesn't  practice  the "state sanctioned religion '? Will there be "door to door searches and inspections" ? Will there be interrogation by zealous state officials ? Did someone say witch hunt? Will people have to lie about their faith  so they won't lose their homes ? Will non -believers have to drive "around  North Carolina " to avoid arrest and detention ? Hey, just elect the KKK  Grand Wizard into office next. Don't make me puke!
   The idea is obviously the  invention of some warped minds with too much time on their hands....Yes I said it! Cause it's fu__in true! And these idiots believe they're right(Republicans) and righteous.  Look, this is all I can say . If , under some absurd set of circumstances, this  law is enacted, I hope the  US Department of Justice won't waste one second  heading into Federal Court to strike it down ! Will be a cakewalk.

  Steve  'Thomas Jefferson" Goldman reporting.

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