Saturday, November 30, 2013

Knicks,Nets, How Long Will Owners Be Able To Stand It Before Sh_t Hits The Fan?

 It's bad. No it's really  bad. No, actually both teams are virtually unwatchable at this point.  Such high expectations. Such  high payroll !  Fun, encouraging seasons last year .. Nets  supposedly upgrade. Knicks  poised to win 50 again this year.
  But nothing has gone as planned. Yes, Tyson Chandler is injured. But even so, with him Knicks look like a .500 team at best. Woodson  has been woeful in  his rotations and his doling out of minutes.
  Nets. Williams hurt{He's always hurt} Lopez hurt, ok I get it.  Pierce looks old. KG, can no longer carry a team himself. Kidd looks " in over his head".{Soda-gate}. Even with everyone  back, I  just don't feel it. I do like  Plumlee.
 So with the Nets at 4-12, and the Knicks losers of  8 straight, how long will the meddling billionaire owners wait  to   put their " beloved coaches " on the the chopping block?
 My prediction. If the Knicks lose 10 straight, Woodson gone. The Nets.  If   they reach 15 losses before winning another game, Kidd could be unemployed. What is PJ doing these days?
  In the meantime, I'm lucky to have the NBA League pass. Can watch Houston, Golden State and the Lakers.
  Tough to even talk about!!!

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