Sunday, November 24, 2013

John Edwards, Back Doing What He Does Best, Trying Cases !

 Edwards was a sleazy Presidential candidate,  a  lousy husband and a   so-so Senator.  But  there  was  never a doubt, ever ,that he  was a savy,  polished and extremely effective  plaintiffs' personal injury trial attorney. In his home state of North Carolina, insurance companies, large corporations, municipalities, doctors and hospitals feared John Edwards. He made a  fortune  representing the " little man" and bringing back  numerous  multi-million dollar verdicts! He  was  the best in the state, and a  member  nationally of the  truly elite trial lawyers.
  Hey, Edwards is 60. As a trial lawyer he is  in his prime. He'll take a little time to get back in the swing...Then watch out!  I know  one group  who are not happy to see his comeback. Yes, you said it. The   Insurance companies of the great state of North Carolina.
 John, I wish you good luck and many  more  plaintiffs' verdicts!!!!1

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