Monday, December 30, 2013

SAC Capital, Michael Steinberg's Conviction, There Goes Another Chink In The Armor !!

  Here's the latest  in the continuing SAC  Capital Partners'  saga.  Michael Steinberg faints in open Court and then is  convicted by the sitting jury. Faces some serious time. Wonder what wink , wink deal he has going? Anyway, Oz has  to be feeling a bit dismayed. Guilty pleas galore, all  outside clients' money gone, layoffs, Steinberg's conviction, legal bills up the wazoo, a $1.2 billion  fine  and  Matthew Martoma  is  still lurking out there. Mr.  Cohen  is not home free yet.....Hey, he still may even  have to sell some more fu___in  Monets, Manets and Picassos. 
    It's not over till it's  over...

  Happy New Year!

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