Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Happy Holidays!

I  want to take this  time to wish  a Merry  Xmas and Happy New Year to all!!!

God Bless!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Oh Hannukah, Oh Channukah!!

I just wanted to take this opportunity to wish my Jewish family, friends and customers a joyous and special holiday!  God bless!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Ferguson Was Tragic; Will Something Positive Come out of It?

Ferguson certainly was  gut-wrenching. A death, a city and region divided.  Civil unrest, damage to untold numbers of businesses. Anger, grief, frustration, revenge and denial. And finally a Grand Jury's findings, which   set off a wave of protests, demonstrations and unrest nationwide.
   Are the demonstrations really just about  Ferguson ? Or are they about something much, much bigger? Is it   the way  minorities are policed in our cities throughout this country! What can be done differently ? Is there a solution? I would like to  say yes. So  much violence. So much hatred.  How can we end this vicious cycle?
  Well that my friends is the magic question. Do we need more community outreach? More minority officers and minority  decision -makers. Alternatives to keep teens and young men off the streets. Incentives to stay in school..Continue with education. Yes, yes, yes and yes.
  So will  we see change? We have to. All this senseless loss of life has to stop.  We have to start somewhere. God Bless Michael Brown and his family .
 Your thoughts?

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Gobble. Gobble.Hope Everyone Enjoyed The Turkey!

I just wanted  to take the opportunity to wish my family, friends and customers  "peace " during the holiday season !! 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Dow Jones at 17,700; Are You Kidding?

  Seeing is believing. The  Dow  is "cooking with gas"!  Where is it  headed this holiday season?  18,000 now looks probable...Not certain though.  Let's wait and see.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Happy Veterans Day To Our Armed Forces , We Owe So Much To You!

 As I've gotten older, I've gained  a much, much better appreciation for those who protect our country; the Armed Forces.. Say what you might, these men and woman have risked and   continue to risk 24/7 , life and limb for "our   individual  and collective  freedom " .  And for that,   my  family and I say  thank you! 

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Knicks Basketball; Oh Where O Where Has The Triangle Offense Gone?

  It seems like ages ago...The Knicks were  2-1, coming off  2 straight W's.  They were  running the  "triangle"  to perfection  .  Assists were flying , ball was flying... Then  overnight, they seemed to revert back  to "Carmelo Isolation ".  Three straight ugly  losses and they're 2 and 4.
   Yes, it's early. Yes there is a new system, new personnel, a new infra-structure .  Rotation is  still a work in progress . So give them time.And for God's sake, give Amare some more minutes!!!!
   Atlanta tonight...

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Really ? Dow Almost Back to 17,500 !!!

Here we go  round the mulberry bush, the mulberry  bush....  The DOW  after getting pounded for the past several weeks has again  risen from the ashes and is hitting new all-time highs....   At  about 10:20  this morning,  the "Mighty Dow " hit  17,485. If I'm not mistaken, a record high..
    Where will  it take us next?  Does it really matter?   It's only monopoly money anyway!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Some How, Some Way, The DOW Has Clawed Back To 16,805.....

The Dow has been   getting  pounded  for much of the volatile month of October. Down 200, down a 100.  Not pretty to say the least. Things  looked pretty grim at 16,300, at what seemed like just a few days ago.
    But right before your very eyes, you wake up Saturday morning  and the Dow has  snuck back to 16,800... Again, teetering on the promised land of 17,000.  But hey, it's only monopoly money, right? Ok, one more week to go !  Let's see.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

University of North Carolina, What Can I Say, 18 Years of Fake Classes!!!

 Cheating is everywhere in college sports. Many get caught. Many do not. Some schools , when they get caught , you kind of  shrug and say, "I 'm not surprised ".
  But when a school like UNC  is found to have engaged in a "fake" African Studies class for athletes for 18 years, to me   it's flabbergasting.  I've been a UNC hoops fan  forever, have the utmost  respect for the University and their  teams, and bango now this .  SH_T  has to be  hitting the fan internally and  via NCAA  sanctions. No ifs, ands or buts.
   In looking at this horror story, it makes you really ask two questions;
1. Did the Athletic Directors and Coaches know what was going on , and
2.  Is this practice more the rule than the  exception in college sports?
   Your thoughts?

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Oscar Pistorius Gets 5 Years, But It Will Seem Much More Like One To One And A Half Years!!!

  Pistorius is one very lucky guy!  He shoots his girlfriend. Is found guilty on the lowest count. Which, oh by the way carries  no minimum sentence. He gets  5  years. I'm sure in a celebrity  wing. No hard labor?
   To add icing on the cake. First offense, etc....He serves 10-20 months and the balance  will be served via house arrest/community service.  Slap on the wrist to say the least!  Still a young man when he gets out..Lets see.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Dow in Free-Fall..... What Next?

 Even Columbus Day  gave no solace to the Dow. Down another 223 points to  16,300 and change. 3rd heavy drop in the past week or two. Not a good sign , even during the volatile month of October.
  Will cooler heads prevail? Will things stabilize tomorrow and Wednesday ? Gonna be some sweaty palms starting the day  Tuesday.
    My prediction, order is restored tomorrow , with some  nice gains. We shall see!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Sports In October Is Great; But Give Me Some NBA Home Cooking!!

NFL , baseball playoffs, hockey, college football. It's all good! But, I  yearn for nightly NBA hoops with my season's pass. Knicks and their new "triangle offense", Lebron and the Cavs, Kobe and  Jeremy  Lin, post-Lebron  Heat, the Bulls with  Pau and Derrick Rose back. Haven't even hardly mentioned the West.
   So while  preseason hoops has started; the real deal  begins on 10/28 !  Hey, that's just me.....


Friday, September 26, 2014

Jeter's Final Home Game Was Simply Magical!!

 Watched from about the sixth inning on last night. The cheers, tension, emotions  and chants  continued to intensify inning by inning. Then, in a  series of events, that could only be scripted in Hollywood,  the  Yanks blow a 5-2 ninth inning lead  and the game is knotted 5 all.
  Who is scheduled  to bat  3rd in the bottom of the 9th. Yes, Mr. Jeter.  So  in classic Jeter   drama,  he uses the patented inside-out Jeter swing and knocks in the game winner, walkoff style.
  From there, things just let loose!!  Happy Ending for sure  ....

  Thanks for the memories  Captain!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Grand Jury In Ontario County Does Not Indict Tony Stewart !

 In what has been a  heartbreaking loss  for the Ward family  and a   very difficult  time for Tony  Stewart, the possibility of   an indictment and criminal prosecution came to an end yesterday .  Must have been quite a relief for Stewart, who has to relive the events every single  day .
  So while this phase of the process is over,  expect the filing of a civil suit against  Stewart  as soon as  an Estate representative is named for Ward. I also expect  you'll see a quick resolution to that case with a seven figure payout by Stewart's insurance carrier.
  Very dangerous sport!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Even Maurice Greenberg Is Using Litigation Funding To Pay Legal Fees In Lawsuit Against US Government in Bailout Case!!

Maurice Greenberg is 89, still lifts weights and is going strong.  His case , brought  on behalf of AIG  aggrieved shareholders against  the USA,  finally  comes to trial next week in Wash D.C.  A  lot of $ at stake.  Mr. Greenberg  has pulled another rabbit out of  his hat. To  ease the suffocating cost of his army of attorneys, Mr.  Greenberg  has turned to prominent Wall  Street titans to  fund his  legal fees. Of course, he'll have to give up a piece of the action. But hey, he's hedging his bets.
  Look, no one even expected this case to make it to trial. So  now, anything can happen. Should be terrific trial!!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Adrian Peterson;Vikings Make Tough, But Correct Call in Deactivating Him....

 Another NFL  firestorm. Another issue that the teams and the  League were unprepared for. Why would they be?  They have TV ratings to be concerned with.  :)   What's a little domestic violence and alleged child abuse in the big scheme of things? Well , I  can guarantee  you this.  These  volatile issues will no longer fly under the  radar  . They are out  now , front and center.  The NFL  is  apparently  having a reality check. Gay player, domestic violence and child abuse issues all in one calendar year!  Believe it or not. These issues are actually more relevant that "Quarterback ratings".
   So having said that. I'm pleased that the Vikings looked at the big picture and deactivated one of the greatest running backs of all time.  Now, we have to let the Texas legal system play out. Peterson does  have  one big thing going for him. Yes, attorney Rusty Hardin.  Stay tuned.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Ray Rice Incident Has Set Off A Wave of Positive Action On "Domestic Violence "!

  This  morning while we were getting the kids breakfast, Robin Givens was on one of the morning shows  talking about domestic violence. Yes, 20 years  plus removed from her acrimonious relationship with Tyson. But you know what, she lived and experienced the hell. Nobody can describe or recount the horror  more meaningfully than a   "victim".
  All  over the world woman are speaking out like never before . Unbelievable courage to do so. Why has it taken so long ?   Society as a whole must adopt  a  zero tolerance attitude to domestic violence. Men must speak out for woman and woman for themselves. This is only the beginning.....Don't allow it exist!!!!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Believe It Or Not, Oscar Pistorius Will Not Be Convicted of Murder!!

  In  a  mind-blowing decision ,  the  Presiding  Judge in the Pistorius  murder  trial has indicated she will not convict  him of the two most serious murder charges. While a formal decision is due today, the Judge indicated that  the Prosecution  has  not met it's burden of proof.
   She did seem to foreshadow  that  the  "Blade  Runner " would be convicted of "negligent  homicide", a far lesser charge.  The lesser charge carries,  I believe a five year max sentence, as opposed to 25  years for premeditated murder. The  preliminary rulings I'm sure have sent shock waves through South Africa .

  Let's wait for the verdict today!!  Crazy stuff....

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Judge Throws The Book at SAC Trader, Matthew Martoma; He Gets 9 Years!!!

 The message has been delivered. When you engage in high-stakes, insider trading and get  caught. You're going to pay with real hard time. That's exactly what happened in  the case in the matter at bar. The Presiding Judge in one of the harshest insider  trading  sentences,  imposed a 9 year sentence on Martoma. Probably will do six, then dig up the  cash in  his backyard buried by an unindicted  good samaritan.
  Matthew, you played with fire and got burned!!!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Serena Wins Open Again! Joins Exclusive Company !

Serena wins #18..Overpowering, blowout, tennis clinic, never in doubt. These are  all   perfect descriptions of Serena's performance  yesterday ! With the win she joins Chris Evert and Martina with 18 singles  Grand Slam wins. Still four back of Steffi who won 22. Steffi actually lost 9 times  in Grand Slam finals.
  Serena still has time, desire  and  the will.  My opinion, she gets 22!   Men tonight....

Friday, August 29, 2014

US Open; CiCi Bellis, Hottest Ticket in Town!

  What a show!  What a  scene!  Fans crazed. Who cares about Andy Murray and the rest ?  We just want to see CiCi. And yesterday , 2800 lucky fans did watch (and cheer and yell and scream)  the 15 year old phenom live. Quite a match!  Three setter, with CiCi  kind of "falling apart " in the 3rd.
  Great  2 matches for her. Tremendous experience,  and for her, I believe the sky is the limit. Will she  reach the heights of Evert, Graf,  Hingis, Austin , Rinaldi  and other teenage phenoms? Only time will tell.
   Fun stuff!!!!  Federer and Venus  tonight !

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

US Open; I'm Loving It!!

Tennis, twelve hours a day  . Live coverage. Wild cards. New York, great story lines. A  15  year old winner. Michael Jordan shows up to watch Federer.  It's a  scene!  Can't get enough....And hey, it's only day 3. Getting in the mood to hit...Enjoy!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

After Topsy-Turvy Summer, Dow Closes Yesterday At 17,000 Again!

  After a very up and down last 2 months, the Dow  is back to 17,000 . Down 300, back up. What does it really mean?  While the Dow reacts daily to  interest rate fluctuations , world events , oil prices and the like, there is little doubt the upward trend continues...Up 10,000 points since the summer of 2008. Any credit for Obama?
   You be the judge....

Monday, August 18, 2014

Rick Perry Indicted; Couldn't Have Happened To A Nicer Guy!!

Texas  Governor Rick  Perry was recently  indicted  for   abusing his power while acting as Governor of  the great state of  Texas . The indictment has to all but  put an  end to  his Presidential aspirations. I'm sure that Governor Perry  will put on his happy face and fight the indictment and charges to the bitter end, with the people of  the Lone Star State  paying for his legal defense.
  Look, we all know that a prosecutor  can get an indictment of  a ham sandwich if he  wants to. In reality, that's exactly what he got here. An indictment of a ham sandwich. Good luck Rick. Happy campaigning Ricky Boy!!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Robin Williams, One Of A Kind; Dead At Age 63!!

 Robin Williams  dead at age 63. I feel like a part of me has been taken.  Robin Williams , who modeled himself  after Jonathan Williams lost his bout to depression. Tragic ending for one of the zaniest comedians  EVER!  Look, everything that could be  said about him has been said or will be said. He was larger than life. A  genius in so many respects.
  I  hope he will live on for generations to come. God Bless You Robin!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Becky Hammon and San Antonio Spurs, You Rock!!!

  This great breakthrough,  story   and  accomplishment is not about just  one person  or one  organization.  It's about  one accomplished  basketball player  with  a high basketball  IQ  and  an organization that "simply gets it "!  Hammon, is  the first  female  to join an NBA  coaching staff , none other than the classy  Spurs'  organization.
  The  Spurs through their  ownership, GM , coaching  staff  and  players  are  the epitome of "sports' class"  from top to bottom. For this hiring  to have come about it needed the right individual and the right organization. Almost like Branch Rickey,  the Brooklyn Dodgers and Jackie Robinson  in the 1940's!
  Anyway, based on the  success   that  former  Popovich assistants have had and continue  to have,  Hammon may one day be a head coach in the NBA. Look forward to  it.....

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Steven A. Smith Stupidity , As Much ESPN'S Fault As His own!!

  There were  3 related stories over the past  weeks  concerning Ray Rice . First, the NFL's  2 game suspension. Then the  outrage by almost everybody; That the penalty was too light and  how  the NFL  and society as a whole  have no   agenda for   addressing and dealing with widespread domestic violence . I  do believe though   that a ton of good , on a larger scale , will come out of this horrific incident. Zero tolerance.
   Lastly, commentators like Steven A. Smith, spent the better part of a week pulling their collective feet out of their mouths, and apologizing to the world. Remember,  everything  today is heard and seen by the masses. Smith's totally inaccurate and inappropriate comments   caused him embarrassment, humiliation, damage to his  reputation and a measly 2 wk suspension(like  Rice). But the real  lesson to be learned is, when discussing a sensitive topic with a  wide-scale critique of each and every word, your comments  must be pre-screened by your  network or publisher   and   carefully planned and thought out. You just  can't have a popular  commentator like Smith, with zero expertise in domestic violence,  "shooting from the hip" ,and making up sh_t as he goes along. Totally irresponsible.  In my opinion,  this is the precise way that   broadcasters and commentators get in the most trouble, when they are discussing hot button topics like  race, sexual preference,  bullying,  sexual harassment and  now domestic violence.
   Hey, they may mean well. May get good ratings and may sound good. But remember your every word  is being followed on social media  . Therefore, you only have one crack at  getting  it right. And ESPN. If you want to get it right, bring in "real experts'  " on domestic violence. Don't leave it in the hands of amateurs !!!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Byron Scott Comes Full Circle ; Returns Home To The Lakers To Coach!!

 Not  unlike Phil Jackson, Byron Scott  has returned home.  Three rings with the Showtime Lakers . Two finals appearances with the Nets as a coach. Multiple stops as a respected  coach. Now he's home. Gonna be a challenge, but thank God for Byron, expectations are not high. What does Kobe have left in the tank? Will there be some L.A. Linsanity?   Should be interesting to say the least.
   Don't worry I already have my NBA League Pass. 
   Good luck Byron...

Monday, July 21, 2014

Rory Wins British Open! That's Three By Age 25 !

  Rory does  it coast to coast. Pretty impressive  stuff. Thank God for Sergio Garcia who put some  drama into the "back nine" Sunday. But  McElroy  prevailed.
  Congrats to  joining  pretty  select company(Jack and Tiger)  in winning   your 3rd  Major by age 25.....

Monday, July 14, 2014

World Cup; Germany Wins It All Again!!

Great game. Great  World Cup. Lots of   "new fans".  Excitement,  defeat, every emotion across the board ! Question I have is will this unbelievable World Cup translate into more interest among U.S fans ?
  Hard to tell.  While I for one, will watch more  European Futbol, soccer still has to compete with the NFL, NBA  and NCAA  hoops and football. So let's see.  No doubt  though, great month of   thrills  and tremendous coverage by ESPN( Tv and radio).

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

World Cup; Germany Destruction of Brazil Akin To Seattle Wipeout of Broncos In Super Bowl!!

I've been  watching a lot of   the World  Cup  2014. Before this  game I was not impressed  with  Brazil. But hey, they had been winning. The  Semi-final  I  believed  was a tossup. Expected a great(close) game  and  I felt Brazil would rise  to  the challenge .
   Never in anyone's wildest dreams did we   expect a 7-1  German  beatdown!  Hey, that's why we play the games.  Argentina-Netherlands today. My  pick; Argentina 2-1.  See you at 4 today!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Federer-Djokovic, The Most Nerve-Racking Match I Ever Saw!!

I don't know.  Something about this match. The stakes, the players, Wimbledon, Novak's drought, Roger's " last stand " or  the degree of difficulty on the shots. It was a  cardiac match all the way. Five sets. Best match I ever watched from start to finish.
  Congrats to both players!!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The Mighty Dow Approaches 17,000!!

At  11 am today the Dow Jones  hit 16,970. By far the all-time high water mark! So will it hit 17,000 as I predicted ? Yes, no ifs, ands or buts.... George Bush  , what do you have to say about this now.....
 Let's see. The sky is apparently the limit.
  Happy 4th of July to all.

Monday, June 30, 2014

SAC Capital Fallout; Matthew Martoma To Be Sentenced!

 And the beat goes on. In the wake of  Martoma's conviction, the US Attorney's office is seeking 8 years in the can. Wowee...Crime may not pay. We'll see if  the Judge  is going to be   as kind to Martoma as the Court  was to Michael Steinberg .  Or  will the Court  be intent on sending a message  to Wall  Street ?
   Either way, to me the fact that  Steven Cohen has escaped indictment and prosecution so far  is mind -boggling! He definitely has been wounded, but somehow , some way remains alive and kicking(Minus a few Monets and Manets).
  So  let's wait and see. I'm sure of one thing though ;  not gonna be a pleasant  4th of July holiday for the Martoma family......

Friday, June 27, 2014

World Cup; Thank You , Thank You, Thank You Ghana!!!

 Don't want to put a damper on the US's advancing out of " the Group of  Death". Quite an accomplishment. I'm very proud of our team. Round of 16 should be like Olympic Hockey.  Check your vitals!
   But here's the rub. The   2  goals allowed by Ghana(especially the 2nd) resulted from  horrid defensive plays from the Ghanian defenders.The first they don't clear the ball. On the winning goal, Ghana's goalkeeper  makes arguably one of the worst plays in World Cup history. A  fu__in  gift. Should have just caught the ball. Oh well. Might not have mattered with the point differential and all.
  So  I guess we all need a little luck.  Next up, Belgium!!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Lebron, Carmelo; If You Ask Me They're Both Staying Put!!!

 First  Melo opts out. Then Lebron. To be expected of course. Are these "opt -outs " anything more than players exercising their contractual rights, gaining some leverage, testing the waters? While I think this will make  for an intriguing off-season, at the end of the day, Melo stays in New York. And the King. While he might be tempted to go to Cleveland and reunite the love affair, Miami still is  best chance to get a ring.
  Should be fun while it lasts!!!

Friday, June 20, 2014

OJ Freeway Chase 20 Years Ago; Can You Believe It?

One of  the most  surreal  moments I can vividly remember  was the OJ  freeway  chase; June 17th, 1994. Of course, if  I remember correctly,it was  either a Friday or Saturday  night. What was I doing ? The same thing as most sports' fans and New Yorkers, watching the Knicks play the Houston Rockets in the NBA  Finals.
   The pursuit  of OJ  pre-empted much of the game as I recall  on NBC. What a night!  Almost anyone I've ever asked knew exactly where he or she was that night . As I said, Surreal!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Tony Gwynn Passes At Age 54, Very, Very Sad!!

Saw the news this morning. Shocked. Another  great athlete  taken from us before his time was up.  You never fu_in  know. Gwynn, one of the greatest hitters of his generation and frankly of all-time. Hall of   Famer! God rest his soul. So  sad, first  Kirby  Puckett, now Tony  Gwynn .
   Best hitters  in their respective leagues.  Legends.  God Bless.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Spurs; A Great Team In All Respects!!!!

  The Spurs  put on a classic "team performance ", great passing, great shooting, great "D" and great unity. They took the heart and soul  out of Miami. At the  end of the day,  I think Miami   recognized and accepted that  the  Spurs were superior.  Five titles in 15 years!  Let the parade begin....
   And so many questions for the Heat.  Did someone say Melo????

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Stanley Cup Finals; Rangers Alive By An Inch!!!

  Amazing, simply amazing!!  The Rangers and  miraculously Henrik  Lundqvist (40 saves, many impossible)  survived an all-out, no holds barred  frontal  assault  from  the Kings, sending things back to L.A.  for game 5.  Hockey lives on another night  for New Yorkers.  Play of the night, puck behind  Lundqvist  somehow stops an inch from the goal-line, cleared from danger, Rangers win.
  I  stood for the last  4 minutes sweating, hoping and praying time would expire. It eventually did . Pure agony. We can all dwell on  what would have been  had we won one of first 2 in L.A.  But we didn't.  So let's concentrate on the here and now.  One game at a time...... See you in L.A.!!!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Which Is More Horrific, GM Recall Debacle or the Pinto?

Look  I  tried  cases for 20 years. Litigated against  Ford, GM,  Chrysler, Japanese name it. These  companies fight to the death. Biggest, baddest  defense attorneys. No negotiations. Three day depostions of plaintiffs. Hundred page sets of interrogatories. Experts , discovery  blockades and much , much more. Seen it, done it, been there. And they're very good at what they do. Protecting  their product and of course, their bottom-line !!
  So  with the airing of GM's very, very dirty laundry, it brought back  memories of the  Ford Pinto cases. Yes, in the early 1970's  ,  the Pinto, as a result  of the location of its fuel tank , was involved in rear-end  exploding gas tank accidents. Horrifying injuries and  deaths. It came to light during discovery, that Ford knew of the defect, but on advice of it's bean-counters it was deemed to be  less expensive to defend all the cases than it was to undertake a massive recall. As I recall, at trial Ford got hit with a massive  punitive damages verdict! Couldn't happen to nicer guys.  Respectfully , I wish the  same fate for GM  in their current  nightmare...And remember, punitive damages can't be extinguished in Bankruptcy Court.....

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Rangers: Game 1 to Kings In a Thriller !!

  What a game !  Cup Finals.  Game 1 in L.A.  NBC   National Audience . Rangers grab a 2-0 lead.. Speed vs. size. NY  vs. L.A.   Man o man !  Struggling to stay awake during. OT.  Tough stuff.  Huge overtime goal and Kings win in OT!  Heartbreaker.   Can't wait for game 2....But actually have  the NBA  Finals tonight.

Stay tuned....

Monday, June 2, 2014

Carl Icahn, Phil Mickelson, Do They Really Need The Headache ?

  Carl  Icahn is worth in the billions of dollars. Phil  Mickelson,  while I'm  not privy  to his balance sheet, I'd venture to say is  worth north of $100  million.  Wouldn't  you think?  Anyway,  how  in the world  could they even remotely be involved in  a transaction which could get the SEC's or  FBI's attention?  For what? Neither needs the money.
  Did Icahn breach a duty ?  Did  Phil make a "quickie profit"  on  an improper inside tip ?  Right,  wrong or indifferent,  when you're as famous and  "squeaky clean " as these two,  you protect your   reputation that took  a lifetime to build, 24/7.  These are very, very smart and sophisticated individuals. One mistake can be very costly.
  So without knowing  more, I'll take a wait   and see approach. But Phil, be more careful, will you? 

Friday, May 30, 2014

Rangers and Lundqvist Reach Cup Final!!!

 The Rangers and Knicks have so few  Championships collectively that every run, every opportunity is truly cherished. So last night's shutout clincher, puts the Rangers where they haven't been in 20 years..In a Stanley Cup Final !!!  Woo hoo..Who woulda thunk .
   So as unlikely as this run has been, they  have one more grueling series to go..  Bring em on...
Lets go Rangers!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Spurs-OKC; All Of A Sudden San Antonio Looks Vulnerable!!!

 Serge  is back. He's blocking shots galore. Westbrook-Durant look young, energetic  and  dominant !  Spurs looking old(again). How  perceptions can change  in just 2 games...Albeit 2 Thunder wins.  Spurs who were up 2-0, all of a sudden are in for  the fight of their lives. Just  3 days ago people were talking sweep and how the Spurs would be favorites over Lebron and the Heat.
   Can Pop again somehow  rally the troops(Big 3)  and right the ship  with a win at home in game 5?  Somehow, some way I think he will.  But this series  has  "7 games "  written all over it..

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Rangers Hockey ; Converting Non-Hockey Fans Left and Right...!!

  There certainly  is "Ranger-Mania " in New York . Is it because the Knicks and Nets are golfing, it's too early for  baseball or is it because this  year's Rangers  and the  NHL  Playoffs  have brought a special excitement to New York  fans. I can tell you  that people are watching the Rangers- Canadians, who couldn't tell you the difference between  a yellow and green line let alone the red and blue lines. Hockey is in the air!
  In part, give credit to NBC  and the  coverage they've provided. Top-notch!  Also, the matchups and the remaining markets; New York, Montreal,  Chicago and L.A.  Throw in Lundqvist, Marty St. Louis,  a black superstar player and the Eastern Conference Finals. Mix it all together, and  the result has been keen fan interest. I suspect the ratings are through the roof.
   NBC  must be drooling for a potential  NY -LA  Stanley  Cup Final.  That would be plain cool!!!
For now, the Rangers  must take one shift at a time. As they say, play whistle to whistle and  grind it out. We ain't there yet.
Steve " The Big Whistle " Goldman reporting.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

European Banks, More Billion Dollar Fines and Penalties For Practices That Have Been Going On Forever!!!

 You ever live in a rural town or hamlet  where everybody knows  each other?  Well every day you drive on the same local  road, speeding   20 mph above the speed  limit, while the "local friendly  cop"  tips his cap  to you. Then out  of nowher, one day  a  new cop is hired. You're pulled over, pot is found in your car  and your  perfect little world is no more.
 That seems to me to be  what exactly has  happened  on Wall Street !  Big multi-national  banks, investment banking houses and   hedge funds who have been  behaving in a certain way for decades(if not centuries) are now getting prosecuted, indicted, fined, penalized and crucified  for activity they previously had been given  a pass on.  Paying billion dollar fines/penalties has become the norm...Their get out of jail free cards if you will.
   So don't  ever , ever feel sorry for these "financial  institutions ". When you play with fire, you will get burned....
    Steve  "Adam Smith"  Goldman reporting .

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Michael Steinberg; SAC Inside Trading Deft Sentenced To Three Years!

 Michael Steinberg, a  former  SAC Capital  veteran, was sentenced to three years in prison. The Judge  during the sentencing hearing  actually seemed to like Steinberg .  He went easy on sentencing, wished him and his family luck  and permitted   Steinberg to  remain free pending appeal.  From  I've been able to  learn, there may very well be some  "real  issues on appeal"  as they relate to the Court's  Jury Charges . We shall see.
   In the meantime, Steinberg still refuses  to implicate Steven  A. Cohen, his former boss. Very  interesting....

Friday, May 16, 2014

Brown vs. Board of Educutaion; Sixty Years Later Still the Greatest Supreme Court Civil Rights Decision!!!

 On May 17th, 1954, The US  Supreme  Court(Warren Court)  handed down the  most important  Civil Rights  decision in American  History. The Brown decision  struck down  the  practice of  "Separate but Equal" in  American education, and basically  ended  educational segregation.  The Court ruled unanimously in striking down Plessy vs. Ferguson, an 1896 case,  which had allowed "segregation to fester" for 60 years.
   Brown layed the foundation  for the Civil Rights Movement and  the enactment of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Of note, Thurgood Marshall  argued the matter  successfully for the families in the US Supreme Court.
    What  an awesome, long-overdue decision. Just 90 years  after slavery was abolished. And you know what? We still have plenty of work to do!!
   And our kids should be reminded today of this  victory!!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Masahiro Tanaka; He's For Fu__in Real!!!

  Yessirree, 6 and 0, with a 2.17 ERA.  Complete  game shutout  last night, a rarity.  Are you gonna tell me, "wait till the second  time around the league"?  Hey, this guy has won his last 30 decisions.
  I'm usually skeptical  about  a  player  coming over from Japan. Not to  say there aren't many fine Japanese pitchers and players . There are!  But I  take  the "seeing is believing approach".Well, I've seen him. And I believe him.
  Watching  Tanaka has already become  an event.  Great stuff!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

NY Rangers; Game 7 Kids, Do It Again!!

 How wild, how crazy, how improbable !  Led by  superhuman goaltending by Lundquist  and  a  mental approach of never  say die, the Rangers overcame a 3-1  deficit and beat Crosby and Company  in Pitt in game 7. Nothing more to say.
 Rangers will watch game 7 tonight in  the Montreal-Boston series to see who their Eastern Conference Finals  opponent will be.
  Another series!  OMG. Schedule an appointment with the cardiologist!!!   Here we come....

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

I'm Having Second Thoughts After last Night; Lebron May Be As Good as Michael!!!

 No  matter  what Lebron has accomplished, I've always  believed  Michael  was  just a  little better.  When Lebron's outside  shot was criticized, he went out and worked and improved it.  When  people said he had no post-game. He went out and developed  one.  His mid-range  game  now, is really the only  aspect  of his game which needs  improvement. Imagine  if  Lebron developed a soft, feathery  floater, or turn around jumper  in the 9-14 foot range ?   He  would have  it all  !!
   As great as he is , until last night  I  would still  favor Jordan. Afterall, Michael has 6 rings(would have had 8). MJ averaged 33 a game in the playoffs all-time. Enough said. But,but  after last night's 49....I got to thinking.   Oh well,  time will tell.  Let's see  how many rings King James  ends up with...Then let's talk.....

Monday, May 12, 2014

Michael Sam: Is He Too Small, Too Slow, Too Weak or Too Gay?

When Michael  Sam, the co-SEC  Defensive  Player  of the Year,  came out as openly gay  "before the NFL Draft  "  he was universally  applauded. On the heels of  Jason Collins'  announcement, we all believed and still believe that the  NFL was and  is  ready for its'  first openly gay player. Fast forward to the draft.
   Sam was  finally selected by the Rams in the tail-end of  the last  round.  You can't go much lower that !  Well, at least he was drafted   you might say.  My questions  to Michael  Sam are ,  "Michael,  did you  in hindsight  make a huge  mistake  in coming out  before the draft ?"  Did the fact that  you  are gay scare away potential suitors ? Did  the teams believe  your    presence  would be a   huge distraction  for the selecting team?  Should you   have waited until you were selected and signed?
  In my opinion,  the answer to all 4 questions is resoundingly   yes.  In a perfect world , I believe  Sam should  have been a second(possibly 3rd)  round pick. It's sad and  unfair , but yes  it happened. Sam, now has his work cut out for him  in more  than one respect. He has to tough it out  as the "first openly gay NFL player". And  of equal importance , he has to show the NFL  that they were  dead wrong  in selecting him so low in the draft.
  One thing you can be sure of.  It won't be easy.  But Michael ,  then again, achieving an  important goal never is.
   I'm rooting for you. Work extra hard. it will be worth it!!!!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Mark Jackson Out !!! What Really Happened ?

 Mark Jackson, Hall of Famer.  Great  NBA  commentator. Preacher, motivator. Leader. Coached  Golden State  for 3 years. 2 playoff appearances, 50 win season. Warriors made  their games an "event " . Liked and respected by all. Fired after a  heartbreaking  loss to Clippers  in a  game 7, first round matchup.
  So what really was the reason. Two first round  losses in  last 2 yrs.(Bogut hurt). High expectations?  A victim of being in the ultra-competitive Western Conference? Or this bull-shit about his relationship with management  ?  I'm not getting that.
  Look his players loved him.The franchise with Curry, David Lee, Clay Thompson et. al  is on a huge upswing. But hey, the Spurs last year. The Clippers in 7 this year. Jackson was perfect for this team. Anyway it's part of pro sports ! Mark will be back. He did a super job and should hold his head high.
   On a positive note, he's  free to join Van Gundy  and Mike Breen  in the booth for the duration of the playoffs!!!!  I love it.....


Monday, May 5, 2014

Nets-Raptors; Now That Was a Game 7 For You!!!

  Drama, intensity, never say die, nail-biter and fight to the end!  That's what yesterday's game 7 was all about. The young, scrappy Raptors would just not go away.  And yes, it all came down to the final play. Lowry is triple teamed. Loses control of the ball. Somehow regains control in the lane and with time expiring attempts to go up for a shot. Just one small detail. Paul Pierce 6-7 inches taller than Lowry is standing in his path , blocks the shot!!
 Ballgame over. Raptors' season over. Relief in Netville ....and on to Miami.  Honestly, it doesn't get better than that!!!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Donald Sterling : Adam Silver Did The Right Thing, But Will It Hold Up In Court?

   He acted  quickly , effectively and decisively in handing out the "Lifetime Ban"!  He did what  the  players, fans, owners and perhaps  most importantly , what the sponsors  wanted. I  am, under no stretch of the imagination saying  that Sterling  is not a racist. He most certainly is. He deserves  what he got. There is no place for him in  a  "civilized society", let alone as an owner of  a professional basketball team.
  Having said that, was the punishment too harsh ?  Will the ban and  the   vote  forcing him to sell the franchise withstand legal challenge ? Is a dangerous precedent being set?  Was the punishment appropriate for his racist words or did it take into consideration past  "bad acts" of Sterling? Will  Magic Johnson  buy the  team?
 For  now,  Sterling is banished from the  Clippers  at least for the balance of the playoffs. That is what the NBA  had to do  to  remove the  "dark, Sterling cloud "(no pun intended)  hanging over the playoffs. I  think  we all expect a spirited legal challenge by Sterling and his legal team. The fight  is far  from over.  Has barely started in fact. We shall see how things  develop  .
   Silver's actions have  at least guaranteed  a few nights of   "peace of mind" for the NBA  Family. Avoided potentially, irreparable damage. Time to  get back to hoops.  So, I'll    see you at 10:30  tip tonight.. Gonna be a great one!!!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Boston Marathon, You Rock!!!

A  year after  one of the worst domestic terrorist attacks in U.S. history, the People of the  City of Boston  stood tall  and   "ran "  one of the world's premier marathons. Twenty eight people  who were injured in 2013 ran again, we had  a 39 year old mens' winner  and  widespread pride, strength and bravery  throughout.
   To those families and individuals  whose loved ones were killed or injured by this cruel  and hateful act, God Bless!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Ruben Hurricane Carter Dead at Age 76!! What Inner Strength and Courage !!!

 Wow, out of left  field, Hurricane Carter  dead at age 76!  I just  saw "Hurricane "  again last  week. On  a side note, I'm very friendly with one of the  lead lawyers  who represented Ruben for close to 30 years. What a lesson in, " never give up no matter how bleak  things look "!!
  Through trials, appeals and finally as I recall a Federal  Habeus  Corpus proceeeding,  justice prevailed. Despite his  superior  physical and inner strength and fortitude  , prison and his legal battles  did certainly take a toll on him. He was, no doubt,  a great man.
 Always remember,  if ever things look bleak,  or your problems look insurmountable, Ruben Hurricane Carter taught us one everlasting lesson.
   Don't ever give up.  Keep on "fighting "!!!    God Bless  you Ruben!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Michael Phelps is Back; More Medals in 2016?

 I  think it's fair to say that Phelps is the greatest  Olympian of all-time!!  Twenty two medals and counting. Unreal!!  So after announcing his retirement in 2012, working on his golf game, doing  Subway commercials  and sleeping late,,  I   guess Phelps  has the "Olympic Bug  "  again.
   Hey, he's only 29...Lot of hard work ahead of him..He's certainly used to that.
 So let's see in 2016 . How many medals will he win  next  time around?   Your thoughts?

  Michael, u rock!!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

David Conquers Goliath, UConn Wins 4th Championship in The Last 15 Years!!

 So which are the greatest  college hoops  programs  of all-time?  UCLA  of course #1 !  Kentucky  second. North Carolina,  Duke, Kansas,  Indiana .....Oh wait. Don't  leave UConn  off the top ten list  , now that  they've  won 4 Titles  in the last 15 years. Remarkable, fabulous,  energizing  , uplifting !!. Great accomplishment.
   So congrats  to  Kevin Ollie and his Huskies. I  thoroughly enjoyed every second of the game.
Lady huskies tonight?  Let's see....

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Knicks; Two Back In Loss Column, Will Atlanta Continue To Implode?

The Knicks are 32-43, certainly nothing to brag about. But in the NBA's  Eastern Conference, anything is possible.  The  Knicks have  7 games left, Hawks 9.  Atlanta  eeked out a win against the Sixers last night  to stay  2 up in the loss column.
  So is it pretty? No. Will they pull it out? The odds are against them.  I can tell you one thing though .  I stayed up late  during the West Coast swing watching the  late games.
   Yes, I'm a glutton for punishment. 
     Next game Wednesday!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Only thing Missing From The Secret Service, Is The Late, Great, John Belushi !!!

Hookers, partying , travel, drinking to excess  and passing  out in the hotel  hallway(Amsterdam). No I'm not talking about  "Animal House ".  I'm  referring to  the Presidential   Secret  Service ! Laughable, sad and pathetic. Three  words that come to mind.
    Wanted :  Young, horny, adventerous  college grads. Guard  POTUS  by day  and  chase  PU___Y   by night. See the world. Experience  local  culinary (not cun____gis you nitwit) delights. Drink wine, beer and shots. Find babes. Every color, shape, size and ethnicity .  Dance the night away.  All  courtesy of Uncle  Sam. Car crashes are optional.  You get the picture.....
   So  whether it's been  in  Columbia, Miami  or Amsterdam  our  "Agents ", sworn to protect , (not er__t silly)  have had a hard time  staying  in line .  There must be a solution.  Perhaps a chaperone  would do the trick  .  Sarah  Palin?

 Steve  Goldman reporting

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

" Madoff Five " Convicted.. !!!

 The Madoff   Era  is still not over.  The Trustee is  still recovering money. Lawyers  still making big  dollars. And the  criminal prosecutions are   continuing.
 A   Federal Court  Jury in  Manhattan  just convicted  5  former  "Madoff   Insider  Employees" of conspiracy etc.,  with (You guessed it) the help of  other  former disgraced  Madoff  Employees  who had cut deals.  The Jury evidently didn't accept the thrust  of  the defense that they  too  were  duped  by the Madoffs'.
  Hey, apparently every "scheme" needs cooperators. Well, these "cooperators " are looking at some real  time!  Congrats to the Prosecution.   Better late, than never!!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Don't Look Now, Dow At 16,423 at 11:00 Today!!!

 Wowee !  The Dow Jones is closing in on 16.500.  Incredible to say the least. Upward momentum continuing.  What does it really mean anymore ? 
  Next stop 17,000  ??   Enjoy the weekend...

Monday, March 17, 2014

Knicks; Phil Jackson Era To Begin, Somewhere Up There Red Holzman is Smiling!!!

Welcome back Phil....It's been a long time...I, for one  am excited to have you. The way I  look at it , it's like having  Vince Lombardi join the Jets'  front office..It is a no lose proposition.  Yes Phil's  work is cut out for him. Will Mr. Dolan leave him to work his magic? Will Melo stay? Woodson, in or out?   Lot of questions.
   So Tuesday   Jackson's  hiring will be announced. Then it's time to get to work!  Wonder if we can hire Bill Bradley, Jerry Lucas, Clyde and Earl The Pearl ?
     Now that wuld be some brain trust!!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Dow Jones, Approaching Unchartered Territory....!!

 In the topsy  turvy world of Wall Street , anything is possible. While the news has  been saturated with  "the dark side of Wall Street "  of late, once again the Dow  has righted itself. Through war, crisis, recession, bailouts , etc, the  Dow Jones Index   continues to rise. The  Dow opened at around 16,450   today after  breaking the 16,000 mark, then dipping back under.
  So my prediction, 17,000  by    May 1st!!!
  Let's see...All we need is a little  positive economic news and we're  there.

Steve  "Adam Smith "  Goldman reporting.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Is Amare Back? You Be The Judge !

  We  have all just about  forgotten  how good  Amare was  in Pheonix   and  then his first half season  in New York. Dominant  physical specimen! Then through a series of   things including his inabiity to adjust to Melo,  injury and personal issues  he almost overnight became a shell of himself. Seemed like he forgot how to play basketball !
  But  he has persevered, has  been patient (at least outwardly)  and has continued to work hard.  Lo and behold, he is showing signs  of the old Amare. Quickness, strength, great spring, low post game, hitting the offensive glass and   making the  mid-range jumper. Last night his "D"  was terrific too.  So is he back?  Can he continue it ?  Where will he land next year? All questions  that only time will tell.
    For now, please just keep him in the starting lineup and let him play 30 plus minutes a night...And coach, why are you benching him the last 7 minutes of the 4th?

Ok, 3 straight..Remain calm.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Judge Louis Kaplan Did Not Like The Chevron Litigation From Day One and Just Expressed His Reasons In A 500 Page Opinion!!

At least in the  US  for now, enforcement of the  Ecuadorian's judgment  against Chevron is temporarily on hold. Judge Kaplan  opined in no uncertain terms that  the judgment of $19 billion in Ecuador  was facilitated by fraud, bribes and criminal activity. The case will obviously travel the Appellate route now.  Lead  plaintiffs' counsel could be facing some additional legal headaches of his own.
  So while the plaintiffs  still have some jurisdictions  in which they can attempt to enforce their judgment(i.e. Canada), their options are now very, very much limited.
  Chevron  has to be feeling pretty good today about this turn of events.

   The Great Oz  has spoken!!
And of course life goes on for the  Ecuadorians.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Knicks; As a Fan, I've Lost Hope and It's Just Too Painful To Watch!

 Every fan, some more than others ,  reaches a point   where the pain, despair, lack of hope, uncomfortableness  and  dis-interest  takes over. It's  just a feeling where you don't check the schedule, don't read  about "your team"  in the papers and simply can't  watch anymore(let alone listen on the car radio).You volunteer to do things with your wife.
   Well folks, after  Thursday nights beating  in South Beach  and the Horror Show at the Garden  last  night, I  have to admit it's over for me.  Wait till next year...The defense is brutal, the offense is brutal. It  looks like the players "have stopped playing " for Woodson and in turn  Woodson  has expanded the rotation  ceremoniously  throwing in the towel. Very, very sad  considering February just ended and  there are some 25 games  still to go.
  Thank God  March Madness is coming, NBA Playoffs(NHL too)  and the  Yanks  opening  day. I  would rather endure the Chinese Water Torture than  be  forced to watch Felton, JR Smith  and Tyson Chandler. And  the  constant face of distress on Woodson.
   So Steve Mills and James Dolan, please do Woodson a favor. Fire him. Pay him  and let  good ol Herb Williams finish up the year.
  It's over, it's ugly, it's unfixable  and most of all unwatchable!!!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Arizona Governor, In No-Brainer, Vetos "Hate Bill"!

  The "anti-gay , discriminatory bill" , was just  vetoed by  the Governor. Did someone say  "Captain Obvious"?  Obviously the right move, but can  you  fathom that  this  bill even got  to  this   level?  I  wonder, are the elected representatives in Arizona truly   representing what the people of Arizona  want?  If so, this is one fu__ed  up state. If not, this is one fu__ed up legislature. Let them secede  for all I  care ! 
 Anyway, at least temporarily the ship is righted.
   Get with it Arizona  ,  you  are acting like Mississippi  in the  1960's!

    Remember and preach tolerance.....

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

I Love Melo; But The Knicks Don't Deserve Him !

 I  dare  you to say something negative about  Melo. Averaging 27 points per, 8 boards and 38 minutes. Plays his heart out. But in reality, except for Melo and Hardaway  Jr., the team has to be scrapped and rebuilt. There is nobody  on that team who you can consistently win with!! One of the great mysteries in life is what happened to last year's 54-28 team? (Don't have stomach to discuss Felton).
  Honestly, it would take a team  of internationally acclaimed forensic psychiatrists to figure that one out. We don't  have time here for that .  And while I respect Woodson, he  has  to be part of the purging.
  I am almost at the point where I  can not watch anymore!
   I'll tell you where I would love to start....Bring back Jeff Van Gundy.
Then get rid of Mr. Dolan....At least the offseason will be eventful......

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Harold Ramis Passes at Age 69....He Gave Us Some Classics...

Harold  Ramis  has died. Only 69!.  He was a great comic mind. Great vision...Knew not only how to make audiences laugh, but  roar. He had the knack of   making his viewers  see his movies over and over again.
  To me , the greatness of a comedy movie is judged  by how many lines you remember. Mel Brooks, Woody Allen, to name a few. In my opinion, Ramis' 2 best were Animal House and Caddy Shack. Saw each at least 20 times. Both fairly recently on the tube. Now  thirty  plus years  later, I have instantaneous  recollection  of numerous lines from  both movies. Hilarious stuff. Harold u rocked!!
  As the late great John Belushi said in Animal  House, " my advice to you  is that you start drinking heavily ". Harold here's to you.  Thanks for the laughs...God Bless!  Say hello to John up there!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Jason Collins Is Gay, So What's The Big Fuc__in Deal?

Collins, I admire you as a man..You've always had my respect as a player. You're intelligent,  tough, scrappy, set an excellent pick, box-out, rebound and play good "D'!! At 7 feet, 260 you kept yourself  in good shape and yes you can contribute 10-15 mins a game! Great teammate , classy guy!  Hey, and an extra 6 hard fouls to give.
 So everybody..Shut up about " gay this, gay that "! He's the same player and man he's always been. Get over it....

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Time Warp, 1860's; Arizona's Pending New Law Allowing Businesses To Refuse To Do Business With Gays Is Absurd!!!

 Arizona , you have got to be kidding . Your ignorant lawmakers have passed legislation which would condone  businesses'  discrimination against  gays  based on "religious beliefs" ? Did  someone say "Jim Crow"? This  homophobic new law  would  effectively  allow hatred, racism, bigotry,  discrimination and much ,  much more based on some   catch-all,  self-serving ,contrived religious belief  !!  Someone wake me from this bad dream.
  If enacted, this would  send Arizona back to the "witch-hunting days". I can see it now. I hate blacks. Religious belief. I hate Jews...Religious belief. I hate women...Religious belief. I hate gays...Religious belief..I hate Italians...Religious belief..I hate men with long hair...I'm covered, religious belief.  The Law, which has a zero chance of surviving a constitutional  challenge, is despicable and obviously flawed on its face. IT'S GOTTA GO.
  First off, every person(no matter what , must be treated equally). Secondly , religion is not a justification for hatred or discrimination. It doesn't work  that way. You can have any religious belief you want as long as it doesn't impose upon another person's "rights".Religion doesn't give you the right to hate.
Frankly,   I could  go on and on. But, there is one word that could put this whole  fiasco to rest quickly and indefinitely. VETO!!!!!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

NBA All-Star Game Special,...For More Than One Reason!!!

 All-Star games are usually dull. Hard to watch the whole thing.  The one game  I do  enjoy is the NBA All-Star game. "The World's  greatest pickup game "!  Sunday's game for some reason had special energy. Special karma.
 From the opening tip to the final buzzer the game was played at a frenetic pace. Slam dunks galore. Three point shooting. Dazzling passing and a final score of 163-155. I totally ate it up.
  But to me , one other thing really made it "ultra-special". Yes, Violet Palmer  became the first woman to  ref an NBA All-Star Game.
  Violet nice going!!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

US Beats Russia in Shootout 4-3 ! OMG...

I  like hockey. Always have. But I   like watching hoops and football  more. But I   got to tell you one thing. There is nothing. I repeat, nothing  more  nerve-racking  or exciting than a "hockey shootout "  in a big, meaningful game.
  Today's excitement  felt like the 1980 Olympics . Of course now, the US Team is  filled with top-notch NHL talent. The  Russians of course, as well.
 So today's game ends tied. Still  tied after the  overtime. So we fast forward to the shootout. Tied after 3 shots. We go to extra's . Finally and dramatically,  TJ Oshie , who takes  the American's last 5 shots, converts in  the eighth round to win it for Team  USA !  A  "nail-biter "  extraordinaire. Oshie  converts 4-6  shots in the shootout!! Un-real. All   I  can say is ......
  USA. USA. USA..........Not even the medal rounds yet. 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Sid Caesar, Comic Genius Dies At Age 91!

Sid Caesar a comic genius, who reached the height of his popularity in the late 1940's and 1950's  just passed away.  Today's generation  knows little about him. But Caesar  influenced  generations of great comedians including  Mel Brooks, Carl Reiner, Woody Allen and more!  In turn these great comedians have  molded and influenced thousands more. Nothing  better than laughing!
  After reading  about Caesar today,    all I have  wanted  to do is listen to my old comedy albums...
  God Bless!!!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Michael Sam, You Are a Brave and Strong Man! Good luck.

 So just like that history is made. Michael Sam , the All-American  defensive end from Missouri  has  come out as  "openly gay" . The  6 foot 2 inch , 260 pound   NFL  prospect  is  well spoken,  personable and  liked and respected by his teammates.  He seems to be the right man for the job... 2  questions  really  stand out though.
1. Will the NFL  teams discriminate against him  in the drafting  process?
2. Will Sam be able to handle fan, media  and "teammate  scrutiny "?
   Let's put it this way . It is not gonna be easy. Sam is gonna  have to have very, very thick skin! Jackie Robinson did   it .Can Sam?  I'm just hoping he gets drafted where he  is supposed to be drafted and that his performance is  based  only on  how he does on the field.
  And teammates. Welcome him  in ! He's a man and a football player.  Make us proud!!

Friday, February 7, 2014

SAC Capital Continuing Saga; Mathew Martoma Convicted, Now Will He Talk?

  Another one bites the dust. The Federal Prosecutors are making lunch meat out of the SAC  traders on their "Inside  Trading " Dragnet.  Martoma convicted...Conviction streak  continues.  The "transcript  alterer " is facing some serious time . First offense. Five years, 8  years? What do the guidelines say? How much will he have to forfeit?  He's gonna meet his maker..I mean  " sentencing judge "..
  Let me ask  you this.  Do you think maybe he's thinking. I mean , just  thinking about  cooperating now? What is Ms. Martoma  saying? The kids....

  Stay tuned!!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Seahawks;Speed, Strength, Smarts, Athletic, Well-Coached and No Weaknesses!!

 Seattle  was so much quicker, faster, stronger and more athletic than Denver, that it was  almost hard to believe.  What they did to the "Peyton Juggernaut" could not have been expected in a thousand years. Peyton et. al looked slow, old, outclassed and discombobulated at times. I actually felt sorry for "Sir Peyton".
  But hey. The superior team won. Will Peyton come back?  I doubt he lets himself retire on such a down note. Be tough to get motivated. But that's why he's Peyton!
  Pete Carroll , you made it. Congrats to the Seahawks!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

David Stern, Job Well Done! The NBA Rocks!!!!

 Commissioner  David Stern  is  finally retiring after 30 years on the job.  His tenure ran   from  Dr J, Magic, Larry,  Michael, Scotty, the great  centers of the 80's and 90's, Shaq, Kobe, Lebron and Durant..Phil Jackson, Riley, Van Gundy  , Rudy  T and more. Lakers, Celts, Sixers,  Pistons, Bulls, Rockets,  Lakers, San Antonio and now the Heat. His numbers speak for themselves.
   Long live the NBA!!!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Melo, 62 ,Then 35, But He Aint Gonna Win A Title in New York!

  Guys I play ball  with laugh. Yes, Melo is my favorite  player to watch. I don't  know why,  since I'm a  defensive-oriented  player. It's his  quick release,  first step,  3-ball, mid-range game, taking it hard to the rim and his under-rated  strength and rebounding .  One of the  most versatile  offensive machines  of his generation. Can score from " anywhere" !
  Yes, he has some shortcomings. But has his inability to get a  ring been   because he  doesn't  make  those around him better?  Or  because he has not  had a  "championship supporting cast " ? Truthfully, probably a little of each. 
   So when  Melo opts out of his final contract year  with the Knicks, will he ultimately stay in New York  to make the most money? Or will  move to where he has the best opportunity  get that coveted ring ?
  My opinion. He leaves New York to play elsewhere.  The Knicks  are just too far away  from   even  thinking about a title. Too bad. I'm gonna miss you Melo!!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico's Finances Not Looking So Hot; May Have to Borrow $2 Billion From Morgan Stanley!!

Our 51st State  is up to it's eyeballs in hock. Despite having sun, fun, latin culture and great beaches, the  "Island "  is  in dire need of a cash infusion. Reports  indicate that a group led by Morgan  Stanley, may be loaning P.R. $2  billion  to stay afloat , at an  inflated interest rate of 10%. Wowee!
  Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do...Remember, they may be too big to fail.
 Seriously, if they do  the deal, I  hope they don't default.  Our 51st state may wind  up being called "Morgan-Stanleyville"!
   Buena suerte!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall, Who Is The Geatest Rock Band of All? Beatles or Stones?

 With this being the 5oth anniversary of the Beatles coming to America, I couldn't help but pose the question. Who is the greatest rock band of all time, Beatles or Stones ? While no one can deny the everlasting impact the Beatles made in  such a short time, the Stones have been making hits for 50 fu__in years!  Incredible,unbelievable, mind-boggling, crazy!! They've stuck together, changed with the times, (lived) and continue to make hits and tour!!!
  So while I love the Fab 4, unfortunately  my vote goes to Jagger, Richards, et al.  Long live Rock N Roll......

Monday, January 20, 2014

Martin Luther King, You Were Great, But You Couldn't Have Done It Alone!!!

 Dr. Martin Luther King  was a brilliant  leader, motivator and strategist. And yes, he was the  face of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960's.  Without Reverend King's leadership, it is  unclear how many more years   it would have taken to succeed.
  Often overlooked though, are all the  dedicated  individuals(black and white)  who sacrificed their safety and well-being  to be part of the movement! This was  an effort that couldn't  have succeeded without great leaders  or  the   loyal and brave  front-liners.
  MLK  Day , should  be a day to celebrate not only Reverend King, but all those  who  fought racism and hatred in the the deep south and elsewhere!.
     God Bless. It was all of your dreams!!!!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Carmelo 29 and 16, Knicks Win Thrilla in Garden in OT!!

Hey  5 in a row, 6 out of seven. Last 4 without Tyson Chandler.  What can you  say? Multiple contributors. Melo  a beast! So the Knicks are inching back into things. Bobcats tonight. Do not. I repeat, do not  take them lightly.
  Melo , you are fun to watch!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Ariel Sharon;Say What You Want About Him, But He Was One Tough S.O.B.!

 Sharon, one of the great , Israeli  military  commanders of all time passed away this past week after 8 years in a coma. Sharon , after a controversial , but bigger than life military career served in almost every  capacity of Government , including Prime Minister. He played a large role in every  major military conflict  and  loved his country.
  Born and raised in Israel, Sharon had  his share of detractors as well as millions who loved and respected him. He would do anything  in his power to protect his homeland!  I gotta tell you one thing.  If I'm in a battle,  bottom line is I want Sharon in my fox-hole every day of the week.

 God Bless! You'll be missed, but never forgotten.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Knicks Beat Heat at Garden, Is There Hope Afterall?

 Man, this has been a rough season for Knicks  fans. 13 and 22, even after last night. Playing in a pitiful division as well. But, watching last night's  "playoff atmosphere win"    almost erased all the bad feelings and negative karma  that the  2013-14 year had brought so far.
  So many positives last night. Melo, please don't leave us!  Amare, major contributions. Felton 13 and 14. Hardaway  Jr., gonna be a better pro than a college player! Shumpert...I know, I know. Just one win.  Let's not forget Bargnani  who contributed mightily on both ends of the floor. And I don't believe he's even played his best ball yet with the Knicks.
  So let's enjoy it and get ready for the next game.  But it was funnnnn.....

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Congrats To Martin Tankleff, State Agrees To Pay $3.3 million to Settle False Imprisionment Case!

 Martin Tankleff  has been through a lot. Through sheer determination, perseverance, help from his family and great  legal representation,  Tankleff   has  put his life back together. His conviction was  overturned. He got a job with a law firm. He married. He started and will graduate from Law School this June. Now , a $3 million  settlement will make things   a bit easier for him. 
  The case against the County of  Suffolk in Federal Court will proceed. Great story!    Did anyone say book and screenplay rights?
 Martin, good luck with the bar exam!!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

More Stress for SAC Partners ; Matthew Martoma Trial Begins!!

 The US Attorneys  Office  continues it's full-court press to bring down Steven A. Cohen and SAC Capital Partners .  Fresh off a conviction of Michael Steinberg, jury selection  was scheduled to start 2 days ago in  the Martoma  matter. Cohen, of course, is paying Martoma's legal bills. Well, no rest for the weary. The show must go on!
  Why Martoma hasn't cut a deal,  is beyond me. Loyalty, foolishness, omerta...Who knows.  The Government definitely has the right climate to try these cases.  Let's get ready to rumble!!!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Congrats to Janet Yellen, First Woman to Lead the Fed!

Fresh off  her Senate Confirmation , Janet Yellen  is poised to lead the Fed.  Stepping in to lead during tumultuous times will be a challenge for Yellen. The President showed his confidence in the appointment and I expect  her to be  up to the task.
   Good luck and  " may the force be with you"!!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Where Has All The Money Gone? JP Morgannnnnn

Easy  come, easy go!  Does any phrase more aptly describe  JP  Morgan and  the big banks on Wall Street? The  New York Times reported today  that "Morgan " was very close   to reaching a settlement in the Madoff  debacle, which will include a "deferred prosecution agreement"  and a payment of about $2 billion by  the Bank. The Trustee is doing quite a job for the victims in Madoff,  I  believe now   bringing the total recouped to over $10 billion. Wow!!  Who woulda thunk?
  Meanwhile Morgan will now have paid out something in the neighborhood of $20  billion over  the last year...Mind boggling... Watch for ATM fees to go up shortly.....Only in America!

Friday, January 3, 2014

NBA; Rare Night , Knicks and Nets Both Win!

 Yes I said it.. Both the Knicks and Nets are difficult to watch..Will things drastically change? It will take an unbelievable turnaround for that to happen. And to make the playoffs ? Just can't be too optimistic.
  For one night though ,things were fun...Nets beat OKC  in OKC  on a buzzer beater...Knicks behind Carmelo, beat the Spurs in a nailbiter in San Antonio. Will these  be games each team can look back upon as changing the direction of their  seasons? Frankly, I'll let you know in a game or two...
  Happy New Yr!!