Friday, May 16, 2014

Brown vs. Board of Educutaion; Sixty Years Later Still the Greatest Supreme Court Civil Rights Decision!!!

 On May 17th, 1954, The US  Supreme  Court(Warren Court)  handed down the  most important  Civil Rights  decision in American  History. The Brown decision  struck down  the  practice of  "Separate but Equal" in  American education, and basically  ended  educational segregation.  The Court ruled unanimously in striking down Plessy vs. Ferguson, an 1896 case,  which had allowed "segregation to fester" for 60 years.
   Brown layed the foundation  for the Civil Rights Movement and  the enactment of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Of note, Thurgood Marshall  argued the matter  successfully for the families in the US Supreme Court.
    What  an awesome, long-overdue decision. Just 90 years  after slavery was abolished. And you know what? We still have plenty of work to do!!
   And our kids should be reminded today of this  victory!!

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