Monday, May 12, 2014

Michael Sam: Is He Too Small, Too Slow, Too Weak or Too Gay?

When Michael  Sam, the co-SEC  Defensive  Player  of the Year,  came out as openly gay  "before the NFL Draft  "  he was universally  applauded. On the heels of  Jason Collins'  announcement, we all believed and still believe that the  NFL was and  is  ready for its'  first openly gay player. Fast forward to the draft.
   Sam was  finally selected by the Rams in the tail-end of  the last  round.  You can't go much lower that !  Well, at least he was drafted   you might say.  My questions  to Michael  Sam are ,  "Michael,  did you  in hindsight  make a huge  mistake  in coming out  before the draft ?"  Did the fact that  you  are gay scare away potential suitors ? Did  the teams believe  your    presence  would be a   huge distraction  for the selecting team?  Should you   have waited until you were selected and signed?
  In my opinion,  the answer to all 4 questions is resoundingly   yes.  In a perfect world , I believe  Sam should  have been a second(possibly 3rd)  round pick. It's sad and  unfair , but yes  it happened. Sam, now has his work cut out for him  in more  than one respect. He has to tough it out  as the "first openly gay NFL player". And  of equal importance , he has to show the NFL  that they were  dead wrong  in selecting him so low in the draft.
  One thing you can be sure of.  It won't be easy.  But Michael ,  then again, achieving an  important goal never is.
   I'm rooting for you. Work extra hard. it will be worth it!!!!

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