Thursday, May 22, 2014

European Banks, More Billion Dollar Fines and Penalties For Practices That Have Been Going On Forever!!!

 You ever live in a rural town or hamlet  where everybody knows  each other?  Well every day you drive on the same local  road, speeding   20 mph above the speed  limit, while the "local friendly  cop"  tips his cap  to you. Then out  of nowher, one day  a  new cop is hired. You're pulled over, pot is found in your car  and your  perfect little world is no more.
 That seems to me to be  what exactly has  happened  on Wall Street !  Big multi-national  banks, investment banking houses and   hedge funds who have been  behaving in a certain way for decades(if not centuries) are now getting prosecuted, indicted, fined, penalized and crucified  for activity they previously had been given  a pass on.  Paying billion dollar fines/penalties has become the norm...Their get out of jail free cards if you will.
   So don't  ever , ever feel sorry for these "financial  institutions ". When you play with fire, you will get burned....
    Steve  "Adam Smith"  Goldman reporting .

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