Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Rangers Hockey ; Converting Non-Hockey Fans Left and Right...!!

  There certainly  is "Ranger-Mania " in New York . Is it because the Knicks and Nets are golfing, it's too early for  baseball or is it because this  year's Rangers  and the  NHL  Playoffs  have brought a special excitement to New York  fans. I can tell you  that people are watching the Rangers- Canadians, who couldn't tell you the difference between  a yellow and green line let alone the red and blue lines. Hockey is in the air!
  In part, give credit to NBC  and the  coverage they've provided. Top-notch!  Also, the matchups and the remaining markets; New York, Montreal,  Chicago and L.A.  Throw in Lundqvist, Marty St. Louis,  a black superstar player and the Eastern Conference Finals. Mix it all together, and  the result has been keen fan interest. I suspect the ratings are through the roof.
   NBC  must be drooling for a potential  NY -LA  Stanley  Cup Final.  That would be plain cool!!!
For now, the Rangers  must take one shift at a time. As they say, play whistle to whistle and  grind it out. We ain't there yet.
Steve " The Big Whistle " Goldman reporting.

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