Monday, January 20, 2014

Martin Luther King, You Were Great, But You Couldn't Have Done It Alone!!!

 Dr. Martin Luther King  was a brilliant  leader, motivator and strategist. And yes, he was the  face of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960's.  Without Reverend King's leadership, it is  unclear how many more years   it would have taken to succeed.
  Often overlooked though, are all the  dedicated  individuals(black and white)  who sacrificed their safety and well-being  to be part of the movement! This was  an effort that couldn't  have succeeded without great leaders  or  the   loyal and brave  front-liners.
  MLK  Day , should  be a day to celebrate not only Reverend King, but all those  who  fought racism and hatred in the the deep south and elsewhere!.
     God Bless. It was all of your dreams!!!!

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