Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico's Finances Not Looking So Hot; May Have to Borrow $2 Billion From Morgan Stanley!!

Our 51st State  is up to it's eyeballs in hock. Despite having sun, fun, latin culture and great beaches, the  "Island "  is  in dire need of a cash infusion. Reports  indicate that a group led by Morgan  Stanley, may be loaning P.R. $2  billion  to stay afloat , at an  inflated interest rate of 10%. Wowee!
  Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do...Remember, they may be too big to fail.
 Seriously, if they do  the deal, I  hope they don't default.  Our 51st state may wind  up being called "Morgan-Stanleyville"!
   Buena suerte!

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