Monday, January 13, 2014

Ariel Sharon;Say What You Want About Him, But He Was One Tough S.O.B.!

 Sharon, one of the great , Israeli  military  commanders of all time passed away this past week after 8 years in a coma. Sharon , after a controversial , but bigger than life military career served in almost every  capacity of Government , including Prime Minister. He played a large role in every  major military conflict  and  loved his country.
  Born and raised in Israel, Sharon had  his share of detractors as well as millions who loved and respected him. He would do anything  in his power to protect his homeland!  I gotta tell you one thing.  If I'm in a battle,  bottom line is I want Sharon in my fox-hole every day of the week.

 God Bless! You'll be missed, but never forgotten.

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