Monday, April 21, 2014

Ruben Hurricane Carter Dead at Age 76!! What Inner Strength and Courage !!!

 Wow, out of left  field, Hurricane Carter  dead at age 76!  I just  saw "Hurricane "  again last  week. On  a side note, I'm very friendly with one of the  lead lawyers  who represented Ruben for close to 30 years. What a lesson in, " never give up no matter how bleak  things look "!!
  Through trials, appeals and finally as I recall a Federal  Habeus  Corpus proceeeding,  justice prevailed. Despite his  superior  physical and inner strength and fortitude  , prison and his legal battles  did certainly take a toll on him. He was, no doubt,  a great man.
 Always remember,  if ever things look bleak,  or your problems look insurmountable, Ruben Hurricane Carter taught us one everlasting lesson.
   Don't ever give up.  Keep on "fighting "!!!    God Bless  you Ruben!

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