Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Only thing Missing From The Secret Service, Is The Late, Great, John Belushi !!!

Hookers, partying , travel, drinking to excess  and passing  out in the hotel  hallway(Amsterdam). No I'm not talking about  "Animal House ".  I'm  referring to  the Presidential   Secret  Service ! Laughable, sad and pathetic. Three  words that come to mind.
    Wanted :  Young, horny, adventerous  college grads. Guard  POTUS  by day  and  chase  PU___Y   by night. See the world. Experience  local  culinary (not cun____gis you nitwit) delights. Drink wine, beer and shots. Find babes. Every color, shape, size and ethnicity .  Dance the night away.  All  courtesy of Uncle  Sam. Car crashes are optional.  You get the picture.....
   So  whether it's been  in  Columbia, Miami  or Amsterdam  our  "Agents ", sworn to protect , (not er__t silly)  have had a hard time  staying  in line .  There must be a solution.  Perhaps a chaperone  would do the trick  .  Sarah  Palin?

 Steve  Goldman reporting

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