Sunday, March 9, 2014

Is Amare Back? You Be The Judge !

  We  have all just about  forgotten  how good  Amare was  in Pheonix   and  then his first half season  in New York. Dominant  physical specimen! Then through a series of   things including his inabiity to adjust to Melo,  injury and personal issues  he almost overnight became a shell of himself. Seemed like he forgot how to play basketball !
  But  he has persevered, has  been patient (at least outwardly)  and has continued to work hard.  Lo and behold, he is showing signs  of the old Amare. Quickness, strength, great spring, low post game, hitting the offensive glass and   making the  mid-range jumper. Last night his "D"  was terrific too.  So is he back?  Can he continue it ?  Where will he land next year? All questions  that only time will tell.
    For now, please just keep him in the starting lineup and let him play 30 plus minutes a night...And coach, why are you benching him the last 7 minutes of the 4th?

Ok, 3 straight..Remain calm.

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