Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Harold Ramis Passes at Age 69....He Gave Us Some Classics...

Harold  Ramis  has died. Only 69!.  He was a great comic mind. Great vision...Knew not only how to make audiences laugh, but  roar. He had the knack of   making his viewers  see his movies over and over again.
  To me , the greatness of a comedy movie is judged  by how many lines you remember. Mel Brooks, Woody Allen, to name a few. In my opinion, Ramis' 2 best were Animal House and Caddy Shack. Saw each at least 20 times. Both fairly recently on the tube. Now  thirty  plus years  later, I have instantaneous  recollection  of numerous lines from  both movies. Hilarious stuff. Harold u rocked!!
  As the late great John Belushi said in Animal  House, " my advice to you  is that you start drinking heavily ". Harold here's to you.  Thanks for the laughs...God Bless!  Say hello to John up there!

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