Sunday, February 23, 2014

Time Warp, 1860's; Arizona's Pending New Law Allowing Businesses To Refuse To Do Business With Gays Is Absurd!!!

 Arizona , you have got to be kidding . Your ignorant lawmakers have passed legislation which would condone  businesses'  discrimination against  gays  based on "religious beliefs" ? Did  someone say "Jim Crow"? This  homophobic new law  would  effectively  allow hatred, racism, bigotry,  discrimination and much ,  much more based on some   catch-all,  self-serving ,contrived religious belief  !!  Someone wake me from this bad dream.
  If enacted, this would  send Arizona back to the "witch-hunting days". I can see it now. I hate blacks. Religious belief. I hate Jews...Religious belief. I hate women...Religious belief. I hate gays...Religious belief..I hate Italians...Religious belief..I hate men with long hair...I'm covered, religious belief.  The Law, which has a zero chance of surviving a constitutional  challenge, is despicable and obviously flawed on its face. IT'S GOTTA GO.
  First off, every person(no matter what , must be treated equally). Secondly , religion is not a justification for hatred or discrimination. It doesn't work  that way. You can have any religious belief you want as long as it doesn't impose upon another person's "rights".Religion doesn't give you the right to hate.
Frankly,   I could  go on and on. But, there is one word that could put this whole  fiasco to rest quickly and indefinitely. VETO!!!!!

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