Thursday, October 23, 2014

University of North Carolina, What Can I Say, 18 Years of Fake Classes!!!

 Cheating is everywhere in college sports. Many get caught. Many do not. Some schools , when they get caught , you kind of  shrug and say, "I 'm not surprised ".
  But when a school like UNC  is found to have engaged in a "fake" African Studies class for athletes for 18 years, to me   it's flabbergasting.  I've been a UNC hoops fan  forever, have the utmost  respect for the University and their  teams, and bango now this .  SH_T  has to be  hitting the fan internally and  via NCAA  sanctions. No ifs, ands or buts.
   In looking at this horror story, it makes you really ask two questions;
1. Did the Athletic Directors and Coaches know what was going on , and
2.  Is this practice more the rule than the  exception in college sports?
   Your thoughts?

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