Saturday, August 2, 2014

Steven A. Smith Stupidity , As Much ESPN'S Fault As His own!!

  There were  3 related stories over the past  weeks  concerning Ray Rice . First, the NFL's  2 game suspension. Then the  outrage by almost everybody; That the penalty was too light and  how  the NFL  and society as a whole  have no   agenda for   addressing and dealing with widespread domestic violence . I  do believe though   that a ton of good , on a larger scale , will come out of this horrific incident. Zero tolerance.
   Lastly, commentators like Steven A. Smith, spent the better part of a week pulling their collective feet out of their mouths, and apologizing to the world. Remember,  everything  today is heard and seen by the masses. Smith's totally inaccurate and inappropriate comments   caused him embarrassment, humiliation, damage to his  reputation and a measly 2 wk suspension(like  Rice). But the real  lesson to be learned is, when discussing a sensitive topic with a  wide-scale critique of each and every word, your comments  must be pre-screened by your  network or publisher   and   carefully planned and thought out. You just  can't have a popular  commentator like Smith, with zero expertise in domestic violence,  "shooting from the hip" ,and making up sh_t as he goes along. Totally irresponsible.  In my opinion,  this is the precise way that   broadcasters and commentators get in the most trouble, when they are discussing hot button topics like  race, sexual preference,  bullying,  sexual harassment and  now domestic violence.
   Hey, they may mean well. May get good ratings and may sound good. But remember your every word  is being followed on social media  . Therefore, you only have one crack at  getting  it right. And ESPN. If you want to get it right, bring in "real experts'  " on domestic violence. Don't leave it in the hands of amateurs !!!

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