Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Even Maurice Greenberg Is Using Litigation Funding To Pay Legal Fees In Lawsuit Against US Government in Bailout Case!!

Maurice Greenberg is 89, still lifts weights and is going strong.  His case , brought  on behalf of AIG  aggrieved shareholders against  the USA,  finally  comes to trial next week in Wash D.C.  A  lot of $ at stake.  Mr. Greenberg  has pulled another rabbit out of  his hat. To  ease the suffocating cost of his army of attorneys, Mr.  Greenberg  has turned to prominent Wall  Street titans to  fund his  legal fees. Of course, he'll have to give up a piece of the action. But hey, he's hedging his bets.
  Look, no one even expected this case to make it to trial. So  now, anything can happen. Should be terrific trial!!!

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