Thursday, September 11, 2014

Believe It Or Not, Oscar Pistorius Will Not Be Convicted of Murder!!

  In  a  mind-blowing decision ,  the  Presiding  Judge in the Pistorius  murder  trial has indicated she will not convict  him of the two most serious murder charges. While a formal decision is due today, the Judge indicated that  the Prosecution  has  not met it's burden of proof.
   She did seem to foreshadow  that  the  "Blade  Runner " would be convicted of "negligent  homicide", a far lesser charge.  The lesser charge carries,  I believe a five year max sentence, as opposed to 25  years for premeditated murder. The  preliminary rulings I'm sure have sent shock waves through South Africa .

  Let's wait for the verdict today!!  Crazy stuff....

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